Revenue Ordinance
Chatham County
Chatham County, Georgia
Revenue Ordinance
Published by:
Chatham County Board of Commissioners
P.O. Box 9297
Savannah, Georgia 31412
Chatham County
Board of Commissioners
2021 2024
Chester A. Ellis - Chairman
Kenneth A. Adams - District 8, Vice Chairman
Helen L. Stone - District 1, Chairman Pro Tem
Larry “Gator” Rivers - District 2
Bobby Lockett - District 3
Patrick K. Farrell - District 4
Tanya Milton - District 5
Aaron Whitely - District 6
Dean Kicklighter - District 7
Lee Smith - County Manager
Michael A. Kaigler - Asst. County Manager
Linda B. Cramer - Asst. County Manager
R. Jonathan Hart - County Attorney
Andre Pretorius - Asst. County Attorney
Reginald C. Martin - Asst. County Attorney
Janice E. Bocook - County Clerk
Compiled by:
Amy J. Davis - Finance Director
Estelle Brown - Budget Officer
Table of Contents
Article A. General
Section 1 Taxes .............................................................................................................. 1
Section 2 Service Charges & Fees ................................................................................. 1
Section 3 January 1 Governs For Year ........................................................................... 1
Section 4 Payment Requirements .................................................................................. 1
Section 5 Specific Requirements of Ordinance Govern .................................................. 1
Article B. Property Taxes
Section 1 Levy of Tax ..................................................................................................... 2
Section 2 Assessment of Property .................................................................................. 2
Section 3 Tax Rate ......................................................................................................... 2
Section 4 Payment Due Dates ....................................................................................... 2
Section 5 Penalty and Interest for Delinquent Payment ................................................. 2
Section 6 Return to County Assessor Required ............................................................ 3
Section 7 Public Utility Property Tax .............................................................................. 3
Section 8 List of Properties Required Under Certain Conditions ................................... 3
Article C. Financial Institutions Tax
Section 1 Financial Institutions Business Tax ................................................................ 4
Article D. Sales and Use Tax
Section 1 Levy of Tax .................................................................................................... 4
Section 2 Tax Rate, Base, Distribution and Fees .......................................................... 4
Article E. Excise Taxes
Section 1 Alcoholic Beverages ...................................................................................... 5
Section 2 Energy Excise Tax ......................................................................................... 5
Article F. Hotel / Motel Tax
Section 1 Hotel/Motel Tax .............................................................................................. 5
Article G. Tax on Professions
Section 1 Tax on Professions ............................................................................................... 5
Article H. Tax on Insurance Premiums
Section 1 Premium Tax on Life Insurers .............................................................................. 5
Section 2 Premium Tax on All Other Insurers ...................................................................... 5
Section 3 Administrative Provision ...................................................................................... 5
Article I. Public Utility Taxes
Part 1 - Cable Television Franchise Fee
Section 1 License Required; Application; Issuance .............................................................. 5
Section 2 Performance Bond ................................................................................................ 6
Section 3 Initial Franchise Fee & Subsequent Annual Gross Income
Payments Required .............................................................................................. 6
Part 2 E911 Emergency Telephone Service Fee
Section 1 Levy of Fee .......................................................................................................... 6
Section 2 Rate…. ................................................................................................................ 6
Section 3 Collection of Fee .................................................................................................. 7
Section 4 Remittance to the State of Georgia ..................................................................... 7
Section 5 Administrative Fee ............................................................................................... 7
Section 6 Exemption From Fee ........................................................................................... 7
Section 7 Conditions and Use of Revenues ........................................................................ 7
Section 8 Prepaid Wireless Service Fee .............................................................................. 7
Article J. Court System of Chatham County
Section 1 Function of Courts .............................................................................................. 8
Section 2 Jail Construction and Staffing Act ....................................................................... 8
Section 3 County Drug Abuse Treatment & Education Fund .............................................. 8
Section 4 Peace Officer Annuity & Benefit Fund ................................................................ 9
Section 5 Victim Assistance Fines ...................................................................................... 9
Section 6 Public Defender Fees ......................................................................................... 9
Section 7 Judges of the Probate Courts Retirement Fund of Georgia ................................ 9
Section 8 Superior Court .................................................................................................... 9
Section 9 State Court........................................................................................................ 10
Section 10 Probate Court ................................................................................................... 10
Section 11 Magistrate Court ............................................................................................... 10
Section 12 Juvenile Court ................................................................................................... 10
Section 13 Recorders Court ............................................................................................... 10
Article K. Reimbursements
Section 1 County Reimbursements .................................................................................. 10
Article L. Land Bank Authority
Section 1 Surplus Property Account ................................................................................. 11
Article M. Voter / Election Revenues
Section 1 Fee Established ................................................................................................ 12
Section 2 Candidate Qualifying Fees................................................................................ 12
Section 3 Sale of Voter List .............................................................................................. 12
Article N. Rental Revenue
Section 1 Rental of County Facilities .......................................................................... 13
Article O. Other Revenue
Section 1 Payroll Garnishments ................................................................................ 13
Section 2 Health Inspections ..................................................................................... 13
Section 3 CSRU Application Fee .............................................................................. 13
Section 4 Sale of Surplus Property ........................................................................... 13
Section 5 Miscellaneous Revenue ............................................................................ 13
Section 6 Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Filing Fees ................................... 14
Section 7 Secondary Metal Recycling Program ........................................................ 15
Section 8 CCPD and Sheriff Off Duty Program ......................................................... 15
Section 9 Short Term Rental Licensing Fee……………………………………………..15
Article P. Parking Garage Fees
Section 1 Parking Fees ............................................................................................ 15
Article Q. Police Administrative Fees
Section 1 Crime Scene Report ................................................................................. 16
Section 2 Fingerprinting Fee .................................................................................... 16
Section 3 Accident Report Fee ................................................................................ 16
Section 4 Parking Citation ........................................................................................ 16
Section 5 Video / Audio Tapes Copying Fee ............................................................ 17
Section 6 Photo Copying & Enlargement Fee .......................................................... 17
Section 7 Records Unit Fees ................................................................................... 17
Section 8 Animal Control Fees ................................................................................. 17
Section 9 Confiscated Funds ................................................................................... 20
Section10 False Alarms .............................. ……………………………………………..20
Section 11 Automated Traffic Enforcement Safety Devices in School
Zones .................................................................................... ……..22
Article R. Engineering Fees
Section 1 Land Disturbing Activity Fees .................................................................. 22
Section 2 Other Engineering Fees ........................................................................... 23
Article S. Recreation Facilities & Program Fees
Section 1 Recreational Facilities .............................................................................. 23
Section 2 Recognized Community Ogranization………………………………………..24
Section 3 Participating Club…………………………………………………………….…24
Article T. Inspection Fees
Section 1 Building Inspection Fees .......................................................................... 24
Section 2 Electrical Inspection Fees ........................................................................ 25
Section 3 Mechanical Inspection Fees ..................................................................... 25
Section 4 Plumbing Inspection Fees ........................................................................ 25
Section 5 Safety Inspection Fees ............................................................................. 25
Section 6 Manufactured Homes ............................................................................... 26
Section 7 Docks ....................................................................................................... 26
Section 8 Signs ........................................................................................................ 26
Section 9 Moving of Buildings or Structures ............................................................. 26
Section 10 Demolition of Buildings or Structures ....................................................... 26
Section 11 Well Installation ........................................................................................ 26
Section 12 Air Curtain Destructor ............................................................................... 26
Section 13 Landfills, Mining & Ponds .......................................................................... 26
Section 14 Fuel Storage Tanks ................................................................................... 26
Section 15 Pools……………… .................................................................................... 27
Section 16 Fences........................................................................................................27
Section 17 Hazardous Substance Registration Fee……………………………………..27
Article U. Appeals, Rezoning, Development and Review Fees
Section 1 Zoning appeals ……...…………………………………………………………...27
Section 2 Map Amendments ...................................................................................... 27
Section 3 Text Amendments ...................................................................................... 27
Section 4 Board of Appeals........................................................................................ 28
Section 5 Deferrals .................................................................................................... 28
Section 6 Subdivisions ............................................................................................... 28
Section 7 Historic Review Filing Fees ........................................................................ 29
Article V. Solid Waste Operations
Section 1 Solid Waste Management Activity Fee ....................................................... 30
Section 2 Solid Waste Fees............................................. ...................................... ....31
Article W. Sewer Service Charges & Fees
Section 1 Application for Sewer Services .................................................................. 31
Section 2 Sewer Service Fees .................................................................................. 31
Section 3 Tap-In Fees ............................................................................................... 31
Article X. Public Works
Section 1 Rights-Of-Way Encroachment Permit ....................................................... 31
Section 2 Penalty Fee ............................................................................................... 32
Section 3 Additional Details ...................................................................................... 32
Article Y. Street Paving
Section 1 Citizen Participation Paving ...................................................................... 32
Article Z. Street Lighting
Section 1 Street Lighting Rates ................................................................................ 32
Article AA. Abandoned Motor Vehicles
Section 1 Definition .................................................................................................. 33
Section 2 Decal Required ........................................................................................ 33
Section 3 Registration .............................................................................................. 33
Article BB. Alcoholic Beverage Licenses
Section 1 Alcoholic Beverages Licenses.................................................................. 33
Article CC. Business / Occupational Tax
Section 1 Business/Occupational Tax ..................................................................... 33
Article DD. Fire Protection Service Fee ……………………………………………………………………….33
Article EE. Amendment, Severability, Repealer and Effective Date
Section 1 Subsequent Amendment ......................................................................... 33
Section 2 Effect Upon Previous Ordinances ........................................................... 33
Section 3 Severability ............................................................................................. 34
Section 4 Repealer ................................................................................................. 34
Section 5 Effective Date of Ordinance .................................................................... 34
Appendix A Recorders Court Fees ...................................................................................................... 35
Appendix B Recreation Fees ............................................................................................................... 50
Appendix C Energy Excise Tax Ordinance............................................................................................. 58
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Revenue Ordinance
Purpose: An ordinance to assess and levy taxes, service charges and fees for the purpose of raising revenue for
Chatham County; to repeal all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; to establish an effective date;
and, for other purposes connected with revenue in said County.
Article A. General
Section 1 Taxes
Beginning January 1, and thereafter, the inhabitants within the corporate and jurisdictional limits of
Chatham County, and those who hold taxable property within the said County, and those who
transact or offer to transact business therein, and those who practice the professions therein, except
such as are exempt from taxation by law, shall pay toward the support of the government of Chatham
County, the taxes herein prescribed.
Section 2 Service Charges and Fees
The inhabitants of Chatham County who are subject to certain service charges and fees shall pay
such charges and fees as herein prescribed.
Section 3 January 1 Governs For Year
All taxes which are required for real and personal property held on the first day of January, and for
any business and profession, in which any person may be engaged on that date, shall be considered
due and payable for the entire year.
Section 4 Payment Requirements
Any tax, license fee, service fee or any other revenue due under this ordinance shall be due and
payable to Chatham County. All payments shall be made in lawful funds of the United States of
America, provided that Chatham County may require coins to be wrapped in authentic bank coin
tubes or wrappers if the amounts of such coins equal or exceed fifty cents ($.50) in pennies, two
dollars ($2.00) in nickels, five dollars ($5.00) in dimes or ten dollars ($10.00) in quarters. A returned
check fee of $30.00 is authorized.
Section 5 Specific Requirements of Ordinance Govern
In the event that any general requirement of this ordinance shall be or shall appear to be in conflict
with a specific requirement hereof, the specific requirement as related to the subject at hand shall
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Article B. Property Taxes
Section 1 Levy of Tax
Each person, firm, and corporation owning real property, including improvements, in Chatham
County on the first day of January, and each person, firm, and corporation owning or holding in trust
or consignment, furniture, fixtures, machinery and equipment, merchandise inventories, boats and
boat motors, automobiles and other vehicular equipment, aircraft, mobile homes, and every other
kind of personal property in Chatham County on the first day of January, shall pay a tax upon such
property to the Chatham County Tax Commissioner, except upon household goods, personal tools,
and other such property as may be exempt from taxation under the laws of this State.
Section 2 Assessment of Property
Such tax on real and personal property shall be based upon the assessed value thereof as lawfully
determined by the Chatham County Board of Assessors pursuant to O.C.G.A 48-5-2 and 48-5-7.
Section 3 Tax Rate
The County-wide tax rate on real and personal property, calculated pursuant to O.C.G.A. 48-5-560,
et seq., shall be 11.543 mills for 2021. The final rate adopted and levied for 2022 shall be 10.518
mills on the dollar (.010518) or $10.518 per $1,000.00 in assessed value. In addition, a rate of 4.502
mills on the dollar (.004502 or $4.502 per $1,000.00 in assessed value for Special Service District
and 1.056 mill on the dollar (.001056) or $1.056 per $1,000.00 in assessed value for Chatham Area
Transit District shall be levied in 2022. The recommended 2022 millage levy by State law cannot be
adopted until the digest is approved in late summer of 2022.
Section 4 Payment Due Dates
a. Real Property - Any tax levied on real property shall be payable in semiannual installments
to the Chatham County Tax Commissioner. The first installment shall be due on or before
June 1
of each year and the second installment shall be due on or before November 15
each year.
b. Personal Property - Any tax upon personal property is billed annually and is due on
November 15
of each year to the Chatham County Tax Commissioner.
c. Adjustment of Due Dates - Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting
adjustment or modification of said due dates nor elimination of the first installment billing
should conditions so warrant.
Section 5 Penalty and Interest for Delinquent Payment
Prior to July 1, 2016
In the event that any tax is not paid when the same is due on or before June 30, 2016, the outstanding
amount shall bear interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month from the date the tax is due
until the date the tax is paid through June 30, 2016. Any period of less than one month shall be
considered to be one month.
In any instance in which any person willfully fails to pay when the same is due on or before June 30,
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2016, within ninety (90) days of the date when due, any ad valorem tax, except where the tax is
$500.00 or less on homestead property as defined in O.C.G.A. 48-5-2, the tax payer shall pay, in the
absence of a specific statutory civil penalty for the failure, a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the
amount of tax due and not paid on, or before the time prescribed by law, together with interest as
specified by law.
Effective July 1, 2016
In the event that any tax is not paid when the same is due on or after July 01, 2016, the outstanding
amount shall bear interest at the rate of equal to the bank prime loan rate posted by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System under statistical release H.15 + 3% to accrue monthly
from the date the tax is due until the tax is paid. Any period of less than one month shall be considered
to be one month.
In any instance in which any person willfully fails to pay when the same is due on or after July 01,
1. Within 120 days after the due date, the first penalty of 5% of the amount of taxes due and unpaid
is assessed.
2. After 120 days of the date of imposition of the first penalty, a second penalty of 5% of any amount
of taxes remaining due is imposed.
3. After 120 days of the date of imposition of the second penalty, a third penalty in the amount of
5% of the remaining taxes would be imposed.
4. After 120 days of the date of imposition of the third penalty of 5% of the remaining taxes due, a
fourth penalty of 5% of the remaining taxes due can be imposed. At no time can the total penalty
exceed 20%.
Ad Valorem taxes on motor vehicles, mobile homes, timber and heavy duty equipment are subject
to penalty under O.C.G.A. 48-5-51 which states the penalty shall be 10% of the tax due or $5.00
whichever is greater, together with interest at the rate of 1% per month. Any period of less than one
month shall be considered to be one month.
Section 6 Return to County Assessor Required
Each person, firm, and corporation liable for real or personal property taxes under this ordinance
shall make a return to the office of the Chatham County Board of Assessors pursuant to O.C.G.A.
Section 7 Public Utility Property Tax
Any person or firm required to pay a public utility property tax or any other tax based upon an
assessment value made through the Georgia Department of Revenue shall pay to the Chatham
County Tax Commissioner. Each bill will show the applicable due date. In the event the tax is not
paid when due, interest will accrue based on O.C.G.A. 48-2-40 and penalty will be applied based on
O.C.G.A. 48-2-44.
Section 8 Lists of Properties Required Under Certain Conditions
For the purpose of enabling the Board of Assessors to obtain full and complete information with
reference to location and ownership of personal property in Chatham County which may be subject
to taxation, each person, firm, or corporation conducting a rental agency in Chatham County for the
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purpose of renting furnished rooms, apartments, houses and flats, is hereby required to furnish, upon
demand by said Board, a written list of all such furnished rooms, houses, apartments, and flats,
together with the names, location, and mailing addresses of the owners thereof. Each person, firm,
or corporation owning and operating a storage warehouse in Chatham County is hereby required to
furnish, upon demand, a written list of all person, firms, and corporation who may have on storage in
said warehouse any stock of merchandise or machinery of any kind, or furniture and household
goods, or any other personal property of any nature, together with the address and location of the
owners thereof.
Article C. Financial Institutions Tax
Section 1 Financial Institutions Business License Tax
Refer to Chatham County Code Chapter 16 Article IX Financial Institutions Tax.
Article D. Sales and Use Tax
Section 1 Levy of Tax
Pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) 48-8, Article 2, encompassing
sections 48-8-80 1975, the Chatham County Commissioners by resolution adopted on October 3,
1975, and levied the local option sales and use tax for unincorporated Chatham County and for all
municipalities within Chatham County. The tax became effective on April 1, 1976.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 48-8-3, the Chatham County Commissioners approved a Resolution to extend
the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. The referendum was held on August 23, 2013, for
Section 2 Tax Rate, Base, Distribution and Fees
a. Rate and Base - The local option sales and use tax rate is one percent (1%) of the monetary
value of all retail sales of goods and services within Chatham County. The special purpose
local option sales tax is one percent (1%) of the monetary value of all retail sales of goods
and services within Chatham County.
b. Collection and Distribution - Sales and use tax revenues are collected by the State
Department of Revenue, Sales and Use Tax Division, and distributed to general purpose
local governments within Chatham County in accordance with a distribution formula adopted
by the participating governments within the County.
c. Collection of Fees - Retail merchants are allowed a commission of three percent (3%) of the
taxes collected as a deduction in the amount paid to the State Department of Revenue, and
the State Department of Revenue deducts one percent (1%) of the tax proceeds to defray
State handling costs.
Article E. Excise Taxes
Section 1 Alcoholic Beverages
Refer to Chatham County Code Chapter 17 Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance.
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Section 2 Energy Excise Tax
Effective January 1, 2013, the County Board of Commissioners implemented an Energy Excise Tax.
See Appendix G Ordinance Imposing an Excise Tax on the Sale, Use, Storage, or Consumption
of Energy.
Article F. Hotel / Motel Tax
Section 1 Hotel / Motel Tax
Refer to Chatham County Code Chapter 16 Article IV Hotel/Motel Tax.
Article G. Tax on Professions
Section 1 Tax on Professions
Refer to Chatham County Code Chapter 16 Article 1 16-105 (2) Occupational Tax on Professions.
Article H. Tax on Insurance Premiums
Section 1 Premium Tax on Life Insurers
There is hereby levied an annual tax, based solely upon gross direct premiums upon each insurer
writing life, accident and sickness insurance within Chatham County. This tax is in an amount equal
to one percent (1%) of the gross direct premiums received during the preceding calendar year in
accordance with O.C.G.A., 33-8-4. The tax levied here is in addition to the license fees imposed by
this ordinance.
Section 2 Premium Tax on All Other Insurers
There is hereby levied an annual tax upon each insurer, other than an insurer transacting business
in the insurance class designated in subsection 1 of O.C.G.A., 33-3-5, doing business within the
County. The tax shall be in an amount equal to two and one-half percent (2.5%) of the gross direct
premiums received during the preceding calendar year. Gross direct premiums as used in this
section shall mean gross direct premiums as defined in O.C.G.A. 33-8-2 (a).
Section 3 Administrative Provision
The Clerk of Commission is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this Article to the Georgia
Insurance Commissioner.
Article I. Public Utility Taxes - Part 1. Cable Television Franchise Fee
Section 1 License Required; Application; Issuance
Before any person, firm or corporation shall be allowed to proceed with the installation of its
community antenna television system hereunder, it shall first file an application for such franchise
with the County or with the State of Georgia. If the applicant files with the County, the following is
required - applicant’s name and address; the date and place of incorporation if applicant is
incorporated; a list of names and addresses of stockholders, directors and officers of applicants if
incorporated; the most recent certified balance sheet of corporation or partnership or a sworn
statement of net worth if applicant is an individual; location of all other CATV operations of applicant;
the means of erecting wires contemplated by applicant; section or sections of the County
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contemplated where operation of franchise will be begun by applicant; attached policy or
certifications of insurance showing worker’s compensation, liability and indemnification as prescribed
by this Ordinance; and attached certified check in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
for applicants with less than one hundred (100) subscribers or Ten Dollars ($10.00) per subscriber
for applicants with more than one hundred (100) subscribers, payable to Chatham County, which
check shall be returned to an unsuccessful applicant or applied toward payment of the initial franchise
fee for a successful applicant, agreement to fully perform the contract and upon a determination of
a failure to do so, franchisee shall forfeit that portion of the fee that has been applied toward the
payment of the initial franchise fee; an agreement to comply with and be bound by all ordinances of
the County together with an agreement to be bound by all future ordinances regulating CATV in the
County and otherwise as pertains to a renewed franchise; and, such other information as required
by the County Manager.
Section 2 Performance Bond
Prior to the granting of such franchise, applicant shall also file with the County a Performance Bond
if there will be construction within the County’s rights-of-way in the amount to be negotiated with
sufficient sureties, in favor of the County, conditioned on said franchisee’s faithful execution of the
obligations under this Ordinance.
Section 3 Initial Franchise Fee & Subsequent Annual Gross Revenue Payments Required
Each franchisee shall pay the initial franchise fee at the time it receives its license pursuant to this
Article. In consideration of permission to use the streets and public ways of the County for the
construction, operation, maintenance, and reconstruction of a cable system within the
unincorporated areas of the County, the franchisee shall pay to the County a quarterly franchise fee
of 5% of its annual gross revenue taken in and received by it from all of the unincorporated areas of
Chatham County during the preceding fiscal year. Gross Revenue is defined by O.C.G.A. 36-76-2.
Public Utility Taxes - Part 2. E-911 Emergency Telephone Service Fee
Section 1 Levy of Fee
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 46-5-134, each county government in the State of Georgia is authorized to
levy and collect a fee for emergency 911 telephone service under certain conditions, and pursuant
to a resolution of the Chatham County Commission, an E-911 emergency telephone service fee is
levied with the County, to be effective April 1, 1992; effective December 1, 1999 for Wireless
telecommunications connections; and effective April 21, 2008 for Voice over Internet Protocol
Section 2 Rate
a. The rate for E-911 emergency telephone service shall be One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50)
per month per exchange access facility provided to each telephone subscriber within the
b. Effective October 1, 2006, the rate for E-911 emergency telephone service shall be One
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Dollar and Fifty cents ($1.50) per month per wireless telecommunication connection whose
billing address is in the County jurisdiction. Effective April 21, 2008, the rate for Voice over
Internet Protocol shall be One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50).
Section 3 Collection of Fee
In accordance with the provisions of O.C.G.A. 46-5-134, each telephone service supplier within the
County shall, on behalf of Chatham County, bill and collect the E-911 fee from telephone subscribers
to whom it provides exchange telephone service in the area served by the E-911 system.
Section 4 Remittance to the State of Georgia
In accordance with the provisions of O.C.G.A 38-3-185, beginning January 1, 2019 all collections in
accordance with O.C.G.A. 46-5-133 and 46-5-134 shall be remitted to the State of Georgia using
Georgia Tax Center www.gtc.dor.ga.gov. Remittance is to be submitted no later than the 20
of the month following the month of collection.
Section 5 Administrative Fee
Each telephone service supplier that collects E-911 charges on behalf of the County is entitled to
retain as an administrative fee an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the gross E-911 income to
be remitted to the State of Georgia.
Section 6 Exemption From Fee
All exchange access facilities billed to the federal, state, or local governments shall be exempt from
the E-911 charge.
Section 7 Conditions and Use of Revenue
a. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 46-5-134, paragraph (d) (2), all revenues from monthly E-911 charges
shall be deposited and accounted for in a separate restricted revenue fund known as the
Emergency Telephone System Fund. The County may invest the money in the fund in the
same manner that other monies of the County government may be invested and any income
earned from such investment shall be deposited into the Emergency Telephone System
b. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 46-5-134, paragraph (f), money from the Emergency Telephone
System Fund shall be used only to pay costs associated with providing E-911 telephone
c. In accordance with O.C.G.A. 46-5-134 (e), a wireless service supplier may recover a
portion of its costs expended on the implementation and provision of wireless enhanced E-
911 services to subscribers.
Section 8 Prepaid Wireless Service Fee
In accordance with O.C.G.A. 46-5-134.2, as of January 1, 2019 prepaid wireless E-911 charges
shall be $1.50 per service. Sellers are required to remit collections of the charges to the State of
Georgia using the Georgia Tax Center at www.gtc.dor.ga.gov. Remittance is to be submitted no
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later than the 20
day of the month following the month of collection. Sellers are permitted to retain
a 3% administration fee.
Article J. Court System of Chatham County
Section 1 Function of Courts
Under the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the clerks of the courts shall pay into the County
treasury all monies arising from fines and forfeitures collected by them except as specified under
provisions of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. Upon failure to do so, the clerks of the courts
shall be subject to rule and attachment as in the case of defaulting sheriffs. The monies arising from
fines and forfeitures shall be kept separate and distinct from County funds arising from other sources,
and shall also be kept by the County on the basis of the court from which the funds were received.
All courts are legally required to consider the below charges that will be remitted to Chatham County
when assessing fines and forfeitures.
Section 2 Jail Construction and Staffing Act
Authorized under provisions of the Constitution of Georgia, the collection of these revenues was
authorized by action of the Commissioners of Chatham County. This Act enables the courts to
impose additional penalty assessments in criminal and traffic cases, and cases involving violations
of County ordinances. The proceeds from the additional revenue are used to construct, operate,
and staff jails and penal institutions.
In cases in which a superior court, state court, probate court, magistrate court, municipal court, or
other court imposes a fine for any offense against a criminal or traffic law of Georgia or any ordinance
of Chatham County, the court charges an additional penalty of ten percent (10%) of the original fine.
Where bond is posted in any case involving a criminal or traffic law of Georgia or a County ordinance,
an additional ten percent (10%) of the original amount of bail or bond shall be posted. When the
court orders the forfeiture of the bail or bond, the additional ten percent (10%) shall be paid over to
the court.
The funds collected under the Jail Construction and Staffing Act are remitted monthly to Chatham
County where they are separately identified and used for constructing, operating, and staffing the
County’s jail and detention facility and for collateral applied to the payment of any bonds issued for
the construction of County penal institutions.
Section 3 County Drug Abuse Treatment & Education Fund
Under the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the County imposes a penalty upon offenses related
to activities regarding marijuana, controlled substances, and non-controlled substances. The penalty
is fifty percent (50%) of the original fine.
Funds collected under this article are expended by the County for drug abuse treatment and
education programs related to controlled substances, and marijuana.
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Section 4 Peace Officer Annuity & Benefit Fund
As authorized by the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the County collects a portion of each fine
imposed and each bond forfeited in any criminal or quasi-criminal case for violation of State statutes
or County ordinances. The fees collected are:
$3.00 for any fine or bond forfeiture more than $4.00 but less than $25.00;
$4.00 for any fine or bond forfeiture more than $25.00 but less than $50.00;
$5.00 for any fine or bond forfeiture more than $50.00 but less than $100.00; and,
5% of any fine or bond forfeiture greater than $100.00.
The amount of the fine or bond forfeiture includes costs. Chatham County remits these fees monthly
to the Peace Officer Annuity and Benefit Fund.
Section 5 Victim Assistance Fines
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 15-21-131, paragraph (a), all courts shall impose a fine, which shall be
construed to include costs, for any criminal offense, which will include an additional penalty equal to
five percent (5%) of the original fine for the purpose of assisting in funding of victim assistance
Section 6 Public Defender Fees
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Chapter 12 of Title 17, Georgia law requires every person who applies for legal
defense services to pay the Public Defender Office a single fee of $50.00 for the application for,
receipt of, or application for and receipt of such services. Fees collected for felony cases will be sent
to the State of Georgia. Fees collected for misdemeanor cases will be distributed to Chatham
Section 7 Judges of the Probate Courts Retirement Fund of Georgia
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 47-11-50, twenty percent of all fees collected by any and all judges of the
probate courts for any service rendered as such in taking applications for marriage licenses,
issuing and recording such marriage licenses, and filing such applications and marriage licenses
with the Department of Community Health as well as $2 of each civil filing fee and $1 of the fee
;paid for each application for a licenses to carry a pistol or revolver or a renewal thereof.
Section 8 Superior Court
Superior Court Fees for services and filing fees are established by the legislature and detailed in
O.C.G.A. 15-6-77. Civil filing fees and criminal fines are all comprised of a base amount and up to
fifteen separate fees that are add ons” or “take outs” of the original base amount. Each separate
fee is detailed in the Official Code of Georgia. The court also collects transfer taxes and intangible
taxes associated with real estate transactions. The fee schedule is shown on the Chatham County
website at https://superiorcourtclerk.chathamcountyga.gov.
Section 8 (A) The Superior Court Clerk’s Office has been designated as a Passport Acceptance
Facility of the Department of State for the purpose of accepting applications for passport. The Clerk
of Superior Court has been authorized by the State Department to receive facility acceptances fees
for services provided as a Passport Services Acceptance Facility. An execution fee of $35 and a
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passport photo fee of $14 will be made payable to the Clerk of Superior Court . All other fees will be
made payable to the Department of State by the applicant. A list of United States Passport fees can
be found at https://superiorcourtclerk.chathamcountyga.gov.
Section 9 State Court
The most up-to-date schedule of fees for State Court can be found at
Section 10 Probate Court
The Probate Court is entitled to recover costs for specific services under the Official Code of Georgia,
Annotated. The Court also collects a Weapons Carrying License (WCL) fee. The fee schedule is
shown on the Chatham County website at https://courts.chathamcountyga.gov/Probate/Fees.
Nothing in this provision shall be construed to conflict with the Section 7 herein.
Section 11 Magistrate Court
The Magistrate Court serves and tries claims on person/entities, and does not conduct jury trials.
Additional revenue is collected by criminal worthless check warrants through collection fines.
The fee schedule for Magistrate Court is shown on the Chatham County website at
Section 12 Juvenile Court
The Juvenile Court can collect supervision fees from those placed under the court’s formal or informal
supervision. The court may use these fees to expand ancillary services authorized under the Georgia
law. The court may order fees as follows:
a. An initial court supervision user’s fee not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than
two hundred dollars ($200.00); and,
b A court supervision users fee not less than two dollars ($2.00) nor more than thirty
dollars ($30.00) for each month the child receives supervision.
The child, each parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the child may be jointly and severally liable
for the payment of the fee and subject to law enforcement procedures. Supervision fees are remitted
to Chatham County monthly. The funds are used to provide supplemental community based services
to juvenile offenders.
In cases involving traffic offenses, the Juvenile Court Judges are authorized by statute, O.C.G.A. 15-
11-73 (g) (4) to order the child to pay a fine to the general fund of the county.
Section 13 Recorders Court
The Recorders Court operates under the City of Savannah. However, it collects revenue for
Chatham County on cases involving County jurisdiction. Although Recorders Court handles a
variety of cases, most of the revenue it collects for Chatham County relates to the violation of criminal
violations of the Official Code of Georgia where the fines are established by State laws. The Court
may impose any punishment up to the maximums specified by general law under the limitations on
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home rule powers of both county and municipal corporations.
The fee schedule shown in Appendix A contains a list of minimum fines. The fines are exclusive of
costs imposed by legislation, e.g. the Jail Construction and Staffing Act, the Peace Officer,
Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Funding Act. The addition of other legislative costs will increase
the fine amount.
Article K. Reimbursements
Section 1 County Reimbursements
Chatham County has entered into contractual agreements with various entities to reimburse the
County for certain expenditures.
The most noteworthy of these reimbursements are:
a. Police Overtime Reimbursement - Chatham County submits quarterly invoices to the U.S.
Department of Justice / Drug Enforcement Agency for the time spent by law enforcement
b. Housing Prisoners Reimbursement - The State of Georgia, Federal Government, and local
municipalities use Chatham Countys detention facility to house prisoners. Chatham County
strives to obtain full cost reimbursement. However, Chatham County is reimbursed at various
rates. Federal and State reimbursements are set by those governments based upon their
legal and budgetary limitations.
c. Law Library Salary Reimbursement - Chatham County pays the salaries of law librarians
through its payroll process. As authorized under Article 36-15-7 of the Official Code of
Georgia Annotated, the Board of Trustees of the law library reimburses Chatham County for
salaries, benefits, and other personnel costs associated with the law librarians.
d. Insurance Reimbursement - When there is an accident involving a County vehicle and
Chatham County is not at fault, proceeds received from the at-fault party are deposited in
this revenue account.
e. Federal Financial Participation - The County receives Federal financial participation under
various grant programs and intergovernmental agreements.
f. Alternate Dispute Resolution Reimbursement - Chatham County receives reimbursement for
this activity’s operational expenditures from the Office of Alternatives Dispute Resolution.
Article L. Land Bank Authority
Section 1 Surplus Property Account
Under action of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners, a Land Bank Authority / Surplus
Property account was established to fund expenditures related to preparing County properties for
transfer to other governments or for private sale. Revenues in the Land Bank Authority account
represent funds from the sale of surplus property or from resources of the property, e.g. timber.
Chatham County received these properties through tax default. Funds under the Land Bank
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Authority are expended for several purposes. Funds are used to remove dilapidated structures and
ensure public safety and health of County-owned property. Also the funds are used to pay personnel
for property records research.
Article M. Voter / Election Revenues
Section 1 Fee Established
The County primarily receives two types of voter / election revenues. The first is a candidate
qualifying fee. The second is from the sale of voter lists. Both fees have been established under
Georgia laws.
Section 2 Candidate Qualifying Fees
a. The Chatham County Commissioners, not later than February 1
of any year in which a
general primary, nonpartisan primary, or general election is be held, and at least twenty days
(20) days prior to the special primary or election in the case of a special primary or special
election, shall fix and publish a qualifying fee for each County office to be filled in the
upcoming primary or elections. Such fee shall be three percent (3%) of the annual salary of
the office if a salaried office. If not a salaried office, a reasonable fee shall be set by the
County Commissioners, such fee not to exceed three percent (3%) of the income derived
from such office by the person holding the office for the preceding year.
b. Qualifying fees shall be prorated and distributed as follows:
(1) Fees paid to the County political party; fifty percent (50%) to be retained by the
County political party with which the candidate qualified; fifty percent (50%) to be
transmitted to the Superintendent of Elections of Chatham County and then to
Chatham County. Such fees will be applied toward the cost of the primary and
(2) Fees paid to the State political party: Seventy-five percent (75%) to be retained by
the State political party; twenty-five percent (25%) to be transmitted to the Secretary
of State with the party’s certified list of candidates. Such fees shall be transmitted
by the Secretary of
State as follows: one-third (1/3) to the State treasurer and two-thirds (2/3) divided
among the governing authorities of the counties in the candidate’s district in
proportion to the population of each such county according to the U.S. decennial
census, such fees to be applied to the cost of holding the election.
Section 3 Sale of Voter List
The Office of Voter Registration remits funds from the sale of voter lists and electronic files to the
County. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 21-2-225(c) the Georgia Election Code and the Office of the Secretary
of State, the Chatham County Board of Registrars establishes the following costs for regular voter
registration data effective July 1, 2011 as follows:
Number of Voters Cost Paper Cost - CD
0 - 10,000 $80.00 $60.00
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10,001 - 50,000 $225.00 $130.00
50,001 - 100,000 $450.00 $185.00
100,001 - 200,000 $900.00 $360.00
200,001 - 500,000 $1875.00 $585.00
The charge for voter mailing labels is three cents ($0.03) per name and address.
Article N. Rental Revenue
Section 1 Rental of County Facilities
Under various contractual agreements Chatham County receives rental revenue from governmental
and non-profit entities occupying Chatham County facilities. Tenants include is Recorders Court and
the Chatham County Health Department.
Article O. Other Revenues
Section 1 Payroll Garnishments
The Chatham County Finance Department charges a salary garnishment fee to Chatham County
employees for payroll expenditures associated with court-ordered garnishments. The fee,
established under Georgia law, is fifteen dollars ($15.00) or ten percent (10%) of the amount
garnished, whichever is greater, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
Section 2 Health Inspections
This fee is charged to municipalities for housing hygiene inspections and enforcement work
performed by the Chatham County Health Department. The fees are set by the Chatham County
Health Department.
Section 3 CSRU Application Fee
The Child Support Recovery Enforcement requires each applicant to pay a twenty five dollar ($25.00)
fee for application processing. The applicants are usually seeking financial assistance for their
children from the other biological parent. The Child Support Recovery Unit operates under State
Section 4 Sale of Surplus Personal Property
The Chatham County purchasing ordinance governs the sale of surplus property. The ordinance
states that all sales of obsolete or unusable County personal property shall be sold at public auction
by the Purchasing Agent or his designee. Where there are unique or specialized pieces of personal
property, the purchasing agent may require a competitive sealed bid process.
Section 5 Miscellaneous Revenue
Chatham County receives miscellaneous revenue from a variety of sources. Some of the most
common are:
Photocopy reimbursements - $0.25 per page;
Non-sufficient funds charges - $30.00 or 5% of the face value of the check (whichever is greater) for
any check returned to Chatham County is collectible as a non-sufficient funds charge under Georgia
Refunds from vendors;
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Jury checks returned to the County by County employees; and,
Print Shop Revenue.
Section 6 Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Filing Fees
a. Petition Type: For details on petition type see Section 16 of the Wireless Telecommunications
Facilities Ordinance.
b. Base Fee, Engineering Fee, and Study Recovery Fees: Every petition for WTF shall pay the
base fee, engineering fee, and study recovery fee.
c. Third Party Review: Review procedures vary by the type of WTF facility proposed. Where
due to the complexity of the methodology or analysis required to review an application for a
WTF requiring radio frequency analysis, the Executive Director or Planning Commission may
require a technical expert review as described in Section 16 of the Wireless
Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance.
d. “After-the-Fact” Application: Fees for any application for which work has already started or
proceeded prior to obtaining an “Approval”, the fees herein specified shall be doubled, but
the payment of such doubled fees shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the
requirements of the ordinance in the exception of the work nor from any other penalties as
prescribed herein.
Petition Base Engineering Study Third Party
Type Fee Review Fee Recovery Fee Review
Concealed $2,175 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
Attached WTF No. of Acres x Application required
$400/ac (Min. $700)
Collocation or $2,100 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
Combining or No. of Acres x Application required
Modification on $400/ac (Min. $700)
Existing Antenna Support Structure
Attached WTF $2,175 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
No. of Acres x Application required
$400/ac (Min. $700)
Petition Base Engineering Study Third Party
Type Fee Review Fee Recovery Fee Review
Replacement $3,100 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
Of Existing No. of Acres x Application required
Antenna $400/ac (Min. $700)
Support Structure
Concealed $4,075 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
WTF No. of Acres x Application required
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$400/ac (Min. $700)
New Non- $5,075 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
Concealed No. of Acres x Application required
Antenna $400/ac (Min. $700)
Support Structure
Temporary $2,100 Base Fee ($500) + $1,000/ $3,500/If
WTF (Cell on No. of Acres x Application required
Wheels) $400/ac (Min. $700)
Section 7 Secondary Metal Recycling Program
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 10-1-360, beginning July 1, 2012, secondary metals recyclers who purchase
regulated metal property in any quantity must register with the appropriate sheriff’s office. The
registration fee is two hundred dollars ($200.00) and will be collected by the Chatham County
Sheriff’s Office and the entire fee returned to Chatham County.
Section 8 CCPD and Sheriff Off Duty Program
The Chatham County Sheriff’s office will collect the following fees for security services for use of the
Department’s deputies for a minimum of 4 hours.
Uniformed Officer Regular Days $22/hr
Uniformed Officer Holiday $30/hr
Uniformed Officer High risk or hazardous Duty $30/hr
The CCPD will collect fees associated with their Off Duty Program.
Section 9 Short Term Rental
Refer to Chatham County Code Chapter 16, Article IV and Article XIII.
Article P. Parking Garage Fees
Section 1 Parking Fees
Listed below are the monthly, daily, and hourly rates for the Chatham County Parking Garage. All
parking spaces that are prepaid for six months will receive a ten percent (10%) discount.
Parking Garage 102 MLK Blvd. Monthly
Reserved Space (Unlimited Access)
County Employees $ 125.00
Non-County Employee $ 250.00
*Limited Reserved Spaces ( These spaces are outside of non-restricted area)
Non-reserved Space (Unlimited Access)
Non-County Employee $ 180.00
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Non-reserved Space (Limited Access)
County Employees $ 57.00
Non-County Employee $ 85.00
May be increased if space is used less than 50% during month
Lost or Damaged Cards $ 35.00
Parking Garage - Montgomery Street - Hourly / Daily Rates
Hourly Rate - 1
hour $ 1.50
Hourly Rate - 2
thru 6
hour $ 1.50
Daily Rate $ 12.00
Weekend (Daily Flat Rate) $ 12.00
Special Events (Rates may vary) $ 25.00 - 35.00
Article Q. Police Administrative Fees
Section 1 Crime Scene Report
The police crime scene report fee is determined by the cost of the service. This fee is charged to
those municipalities and individuals desiring evidence related to a crime such as photographs and
reports, and to cover costs related to time used by Chatham County Police Department in compiling
information related thereto.
Section 2 Fingerprinting Fee
A fingerprint fee of five dollars is charged to fingerprint individuals for such things as immigration,
professional licensing, and day care worker certifications. A fee of five dollars ($5.00) per card is
charged in instances where more than one card is required, i.e. those who are seeking citizenship.
Section 3 Accident Report Fee
Upon request, the Chatham County Police Department will provide the public with a copy of an
accident report. The County is authorized to charge for providing accident reports under the State
of Georgia Code.
Section 4 Parking Citation
Pursuant to Chatham County Code Chapter 12: Motor Vehicles, Roads, Streets and Highways.
Article III and Article IV violations of the parking regulations of the County shall be as follows:
1. Commercial vehicle parking in residential neighborhood $150.00
2. Trailer or semitrailer parking violation $150.00
3. Parking in a no public zone or in public right of way $50.00
4. Double Parking $50.00
5. Improper Parking at a curb $15.00
6. Parking on wrong side of street $10.00
7. Parking on a sidewalk $30.00
8. Parking on a median or greenspace $50.00
9. Parking at a fire hydrant $150.00
10. Parking in a fire zone (inactive) $15.00
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11. Parking in a fire zone (active) $500.00
12. Overnight Boat Ramp parking violation $50.00
13. Parked outside of designated spaces at Boat Ramps $15.00
14. Abandoned vehicle at Boat Ramp $150.00
15. Commercial vehicles parked at Boat Ramp for sales without permission $250.00
16. Parking illegally in spaces for persons with disabilities $200.00
Citations paid after (30) days will incur additional fees.
Section 5 Video / Audio Tapes Copying Fee
Fees are determined by the cost of the service unless otherwise governed by Open Records Act.
Section 6 Photo Copying & Enlargement Fee
Fees are determined by the cost of the service unless otherwise governed by
Open Records Act.
Section 7 Records Unit Fees
Fees are determined by the cost of the service unless otherwise governed by
Open Records Act.
Section 8 Animal Control Fees
Chatham County assesses fees for animal control services under the Chatham County Animal Control
Ordinance. All dogs or cats three months of age or older must be vaccinated against rabies and receive a
license tag from Chatham County every twelve months following the initial vaccination. The license tag
should be acquired and paid for within thirty (30) days of annual inoculation. Non-compliance and the
issuance of an ordinance citation shall result in a set fine of:
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
$150.00 up $500.00
Any person owning a dog or cat that does not comply with this section on multiple occasions shall have an
increased fine as follows:
The veterinarian’s fees for vaccination of a dog or cat shall be set by each individual licensed
veterinarian or the State of Georgia. A license tag will be issued in exchange for a fee as set
forth in the
schedule below, which will be collected by Animal Services Division from the owner of each dog or
cat that has
received the anti-rabies vaccine and rabies certificate. Veterinarians that opt to sell the tags
shall retain a $1.00 Administrative fee for each tag sold.
Single Animal License (quantity less than 10)
Dog 1 year
Cat 1 year
Dog 3 year
$ 15.00
Cat 3 year
$ 15.00
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In addition to license tag fees,
the Animal Control Services charges a thirty-five dollars ($35.00)
impoundment fee when
unrestrained animals are carried to the Animal Services by an Animal Services
Officer. If
two or more animals, which are owned by the same owner, are picked up by Animal Control at
the same time, only one (1) thirty-five dollars ($35.00) impoundment fee is charged. Boarding fee is also
charged for each impounded animal up to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day. All animals must be
by the owner within three (5) days of impoundment and all necessary and license tag and fees paid prior
to release of animal to the owner. Animal adoption fees for animals adopted through Animal
Services are
seventy dollars ($70.00).
Animal Control Medical Service Fees
Caine DHPP $10.00
Canine Bordetella $10.00
Rabies Vaccination $10.00
Feline FVCRP $10.00
FEL-FIV Test $20.00
Canine snap heartworm test $20.00
Canine heartworm test direct $20.00
Giardia test $20.00
Parvo Test $20.00
$ 5.00
Panacur $
Feline Spay/Neuter $40.00
Canine Spay/Neuter $75.00
Misc., Medications/Treatments:
Capstar large $10.00
Capstar small $10.00
Feline Revolution $10.00
Pain medication $10.00
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Emergency Medical Services fees as charged by Veterinarian
Impound/Boarding fees:
Boarding per day Up to $
Rabies Quarantine Up to $30.00
Vet Time (If treatment needed) $50.00 per hour
Service Items:
Field Sedation $25.00
Health Certificate $25.00
Cat Carrier $15.00
Nail trim $10.00
Medical services fees if claimed by owner:
Medicated Bath $20.00
Medical grooming/shave $30.00
Clip/Clean/Flush/Debride wound $30.00
Fee for Classified dog:
Annual registration (includes 1 warning sign) $150.00
Additional cost per sign $35.00
Disposal and Removal of Dog Excrement
It shall be unlawful for any person who possess harbors or is in charge of any dog not to
remove excrement deposited by any dog upon the common thoroughfares, streets,
sidewalks, trees, lawns,
playground area parks, squares, and upon other public premises and
the failure to remove said excrement
shall be deemed a public nuisance and is prohibited.
Failure of the person having custody of the dog
to remove the dog excrement by acceptable
device shall constitute a violation and be subject to a fine of
not less than fifty dollars ($50.00)
or greater than two hundred dollars ($200.00).
Dogs Running At-Large
Any person who violates the Restriction on Dogs Running At-Large provision shall, upon
in the Recorder’s Court of Chatham County or any other court of competent
jurisdiction, be subject
to the following tier of fines:
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Breeder Fees:
Any dog born that is not AKC registered must be spayed or neutered as soon as medically possible as well
as both parents, if possible. Any breeder of such animal who does not have AKC registration but has been
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intentionally breed will pay a super breeder fee for failure to comply. In addition to the super breeder fee of
two hundred fifty dollars ($250) the pet shall come into compliance within 5 days. Upon second conviction,
the super breeder fee shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Article 1 of Chatham County Animal Control Ordinance Penalty:
Any person violating any provisions of this chapter upon conviction before Chatham County Recorder’s Court
of the State Court of Chatham County or such other court of competent jurisdiction, shall be subject to a fine
of not less than one hundred dollars $100 or in excess of one thousand dollars $1,000 for each count and
violation of this ordinance.
To view the Chatham County Animal Control Ordinance online at:
Beekeeping Registration
All beekeepers are required to annually register each apiary with the Chatham County
Department of
Building Safety. The fee for the registration will be twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
per address, regardless of
the number of hives and will be collected by the Chatham County
Building Safety and Regulatory
Services Department. All fees raised by this registration
procedure shall be designated and used for
Animal Control activities.
The Director may modify fees to accommodate promotions at the shelter.
Section 9 Confiscated Funds
Chatham County receives confiscated funds under the search and seizure provisions of The Official
Code of Georgia Annotated and under federal statutes. Confiscated funds are collected by the
County when property is seized due to illegal activity. In these instances, the law enforcement
agency initiates condemnation proceedings on seized property through the District Attorney’s Office.
The District Attorney’s Office determines based on the aspects of the case whether the County is
entitled to the property. In cases involving the Drug Enforcement Administration and/or the U.S.
Department of Justice, seized property is sold by the federal agency and a pro-rata portion of the
sale proceeds is remitted to Chatham County. According to federal guidelines on seized and forfeited
properties, such monies are to be used to enhance law enforcement and not to replace the operating
budget of the Department. Another source of confiscated revenue originates from the condemnation
of property involved in illegal fishing activities as defined in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.
Under these provisions, such property may upon Court order be sold, and the proceeds of the sale,
after reimbursing various seizure costs and court expenditures, will be remitted to the County.
Section 10 False Alarm Service Fees
a. Fees Established: Pursuant to Chatham County Code Section 10-301 thru 10-312, the
following service fees are hereby established to discourage excessive false alarms at any
single location, enhance the safety of officers of the Chatham County Police, protect the lives
and property of the citizens of Chatham County, reduce unnecessary use of public safety
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resources, and produce revenues to defray a portion of the costs of responses to false
b. Alarm Users Registration Fee: Each alarm system business, as defined in Section 10-302(c)
of the Chatham County Code must provide the Alarm System Coordinator with a listing of
locations that are using an alarm system monitored by said business. This listing must be in
computerized format specified by the Alarm System Coordinator. All locations on this listing
will be considered registered alarm users. Each alarm system business will be responsible
for supplying the Alarm System Coordinator with any changes to its list of registered alarm
users. An annual registration fee of $12.00 per residential alarm user and $24.00 per
commercial alarm user will be collected and remitted at the time of initial registration by the
alarm system business and renewed by July 1st of each year. An alarm company may
choose to file monthly with a due date of the 20
of each month. Any household headed by
a person 65 or older, will receive a rebate or waiver of the annual alarm registration fee.
c. False Alarm Fees for Registered Alarm Users: Excessive false alarms for registered alarm
users are considered to be any number in excess of three (3) false alarms during the 12-
month billing cycle; except in the case of a household determined to be eligible for a rebate
or waiver of the alarm registration fee as described above in Section B., in which case the
number shall be four (4) false alarms. Upon the fourth false alarm, an alarm user will be
assessed and billed a fee of $100 for the excessive alarm and notified of suspension as a
registered alarm user. Alarm users suspended from the alarm registry will be considered to
be unregistered alarm users for the purpose of billing false alarms.
d. False Alarm Fees for Unregistered Alarm Users: All false alarm responses to unregistered
locations will be billed to the alarm system user. The first through third false alarms at a
single location within the 12-month billing cycle will be billed at a rate of $100 per false alarm.
The fourth through tenth false alarms at a single location during the same time period will be
billed at $150 per false alarm. The eleventh and all subsequent false alarms during the same
time period will be billed at $200 per false alarm.
e. Notices, Billing and Payment of Fees: A notice will be sent to the alarm user advising of each
occurrence of a false alarm. Statements will be mailed monthly detailing the date of each
false alarm and the fees due. Payment shall be made to the County within thirty (30) days
of the invoice date. In the event of non-payment by a registered user, the Alarm Systems
Coordinator will provide written notification to the alarm system company and the alarm
system user advising that the user has been removed from the alarm system users registry,
possible loss of police response for alarm calls, all false alarm fees must be paid and a
statement must be provided by the alarm system company that the alarm system has been
inspected and that the user has been properly trained on the use of the system. Households
determined to be eligible for a rebate or waiver of the annual alarm registration fee as
described above in Section B for purposes of the ordinance are considered high-risk
households and will not be subject to loss of police response unless the household is
determined to have had in excess of ten false alarms in a billing cycle. All fees for excessive
false alarms at unregistered locations shall be billed at least monthly to the property owner.
All fees for false alarm responses caused by failure of an alarm system business to notify
police in advance of performing maintenance to an alarm system will be billed to the alarm
system business. All such false alarms will be billed at a rate of $100 per false alarm at least
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f. Permit Required for Alarm Systems Businesses; Fee Established: Pursuant to Chatham
County Code Section 10-304, all businesses engaged in or seeking to engage in an alarm
system business shall make application to Chatham County for a permit to operate said
business and shall pay a permit fee of $100. This fee is due annually on July 1
of each
year. Permit fees paid after of July 1
will result in a 10% penalty. The application for this
permit shall be on a form provided by Chatham County. Failure to comply and pay the fee
will subject the business to the enforcement of Chatham County as referenced in Chatham
County Code Chapter 16-113.
Section 11 Automated Traffic Enforcement Safety Devices in School Zones:
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Article shall be subject to the civil penalties
set forth at O.C.G.A. § 40-14-18(b)(1), as amended, including a fine in the amount of $75 for
a first violation and $125 for a second or any subsequent violation, in addition to fees
associated with the electronic processing of such civil monetary penalty which shall not
exceed $25.
Article R. Engineering Fees
Section 1 Land Disturbing Activity Fees
a. Single Family Residential Land Disturbing Activities Permit: Four hundred fifty dollars
($450.00) per lot.
b. Other than Single Family Residential Land Disturbing Activities Development Permit: Three
thousand dollars ($3,000) base charge, plus one thousand dollars ($1,000) per disturbed
acre or any pro-rated portion thereof. The total Land Disturbing Activity (LDA) fee cannot
exceed sixteen thousand dollars ($30,000).
c. Other than Single Family Residential Land Disturbing Activities Clearing and/or Grading
Permit: Two thousand dollars ($2,000) base charge, plus five hundred dollars ($500) per
disturbed acre or any pro-rated portion thereof.
d. Failure to Obtain a Permit: Where land disturbing activities for which a permit is required are
started or proceeded with prior to issuance of said permit, the fees herein specified shall be
doubled. The payment of such doubled fees shall not relieve any persons from fully
complying with the requirements of this code nor from any other penalties as prescribed.
e. Arborist Residential Plot Plan Review for individual lots: Fifty dollars ($50.00) per lot.
f Arborist Lot Tree Re-Inspection: Fifty dollars ($50.00) per inspection, required
to be paid prior to scheduling 2nd inspection and each subsequent inspection.
g Plan Re-review: 25% of original fee, required to be paid prior to starting 4
review and each subsequent review.
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h Changes to Approved plans (if requested by the applicant prior to field
implementation of the proposed changes): 25% of original fee.
i Changes to Approved plans (if requested by the applicant after field
implementation of the proposed changes): 50% of original fee.
j Re-Inspections: Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per inspection, required to be
paid prior to scheduling re-inspection of a previously failed inspection.
k. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Fees: Forty dollars ($40.00) per
l. Bond Processing Fee: Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per bond, required to be paid prior to
the completion of the final inspection. The total Bond Processing fee cannot exceed five
hundred dollars ($500.00) for the project that was permitted.
Section 2 Other Engineering Fees
a. Residential Water and/or Sewer Plan Review (only developments on County water and/or
sewer located inside municipalities): Eighty dollars ($80.00) per lot.
b. Commercial and Multi-family Water and/or Sewer Plan Review (only development on County
water and/or sewer located inside municipalities): Two hundred dollars ($200.00) base
charge, plus one hundred twenty five dollars ($125.00) per acre or any portion thereof with a
minimum of three hundred twenty five dollars ($325.00).
c. Minor Subdivision and Recombination Plat Review: Three hundred dollars ($300.00) flat.
d. Environmental Site Assessment Waiver Requests (With Minor Subdivision Only): Two
hundred dollars ($200.00) per request.
e. Major Subdivision Plat Review: One hundred dollars ($100.00) per lot.
f. As-build Plan Review: 25% of original fee, required to be paid prior to starting 2
review and
each subsequent review.
g. Right of Way Encroachment Plan Review Fee: $150 per plan.
h. Floodplain Encroachment Plan Review Fee: $150 per plan.
i. Floodplain Encroachment Flood Study Review Fee: $150 per flood study.
Article S. Recreation Facilities & Program Fees
Section 1 Recreational Facilities
Recreational facilities to include the Parks, Aquatic Center, Weightlifting Center and Henderson Golf
Course may be found in Appendix F.
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Section 2 Recognized Community Organization
An organization who registers with County Parks & Recreation Department annually as being in
Chatham County 80% or more of their membership being Chatham County Residents.
Section 3 Participating Club
An organization registered with the Chatham County Parks and Recreation Department which
participates in a youth sports league or program through the Chatham County Parks and
Recreation Department.
Article T. Inspection Fees
Section 1 Building Inspection Fees
a. Permit Fees - On all new buildings, structures or alterations requiring a building permit, as
set forth in Section 101.2 of the International Building Code, the fee shall be paid as required
at the time of filing application in accordance with the following:
(1) Residential Construction: Six dollars ($6.00) fee per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
of construction value, with a minimum permit fee of thirty dollars ($30.00).
Construction value is calculated by multiplying the under roof square footage by
eighty dollars ($80.00).
(2) Commercial Construction: Seven dollars ($7.00) fee per one thousand dollars
($1,000.00) of construction value, with a minimum permit fee of thirty dollars ($30.00).
Construction value is calculated by multiplying the under roof square footage by one
hundred dollars ($100.00).
(3) Residential Utility/Miscellaneous Construction: Six dollars ($6.00) fee per one
thousand dollars ($1000) of construction value, with a minimum permit fee of thirty
dollars ($30). Construction value is calculated by multiplying the square footage by
forty dollars ($40). This permit category includes detached residential garages,
accessory structures and carports without electricity, plumbing or heating and air
(4) Commercial Warehouse Construction: Seven dollars ($7.00) fee per thousand dollars
($1,000) of construction value with a minimum fee of thirty dollars ($30.00).
Construction value is calculated by multiplying the square footage by seventy dollars
($70). This permit category includes storage warehouses, sheds, and utility buildings
without electricity, plumbing, or heating and air conditioning.
(5) The residential and commercial plan review fee of $2 per thousand will be collected
up front and the remainder permit and inspection fee will be collected when the permit
is issued. This is a non-refundable fee and is considered part of the permit fee.
The total building permit fee is not to exceed $100,000.00. The total building permit fee shall
include the permit fee and the plan review fee, where applicable.
b. Re-Inspection - Any inspection that does not pass code requirements shall be brought to the
- 25 -
attention of the contractor by the inspector, indicating the corrections to be made, and then
he shall again inspect the work or apparatus without further charge; but when extra
inspections are due to any of the following reasons, a charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall
be made for each re-inspection.
(1) Repairs or corrections not made when inspections are called.
(2) Work not ready for inspection when called. All re-inspection fees shall be paid before
any further inspections are made.
(3) Building Permit not posted as mandated by the Department of Building Safety and
Regulatory Services.
(4) Failure To Obtain Permit - Where work for which a permit is required by this code is
started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees herein specified shall
be doubled, or $250.00, whichever is greater, fees shall not relieve any persons from
fully complying with the requirements of this code in the exception of the work nor
from any other penalties as prescribed herein.
C. Administrative Fees Any permit that expires before the completion of its scope may be
extended as set forth in Administrative Section 105 of the International Building Code.
Missing approved permit plans required to be retained on site may be
replaced/restamped. The applicable fees shall be paid as follows:
(1) Permit extension equals thirty dollars ($30)
(2) Re-Stamped plans equals twenty dollars ($20)
Section 2 Electrical Inspection Fees
For the installation of electrical only, the following schedule shall apply: fifteen dollars ($15.00) fee
per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) value for the first one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and three
dollars ($3.00) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) value for each additional thousand dollars
($1,000.00) value or fraction thereof.
Section 3 Mechanical Inspection Fees
For new mechanical installation, the following schedule shall apply: fifteen dollars ($15.00) fee per
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) value for the first one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and three
dollars ($3.00) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) value for each additional thousand dollars
($1,000.00) value or fraction thereof.
Section 4 Plumbing Inspection Fees
For the installation of plumbing only, the following schedule shall apply: fifteen dollars ($15.00) fee
per one thousand ($1,000.00) value for the first one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and three dollars
($3.00) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) value for each additional thousand dollars ($1,000.00) value
or fraction thereof.
Section 5 Safety Inspection Fees
For each safety inspection, the fee shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00).
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Section 6 Manufactured Homes Permit
For each manufactured home, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). This fee is for all applicable
work in setting up the home.
Section 7 Docks
For the construction of each dock, the fee shall be per the following:
a. Residential construction of a dock will be assessed a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) plus
a six dollar ($6.00) fee per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of construction value.
b. Commercial or Multi-family construction of a dock will be assessed a fee of fifty-five dollars
($55.00) plus a seven dollar ($7.00) fee per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of construction
Section 8 Signs
For the erection of each sign, the fee shall be per the following:
Temporary Sign $25.00
Permanent Sign (plus $ 0.20 per square foot) $25.00
Section 9 Moving of Buildings or Structures
For the moving of any building or structure, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
Section 10 Demolition of Buildings or Structures
For the demolition of any building or structure, the fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) plus: $6.00
per $1,000 Residential
$7.00 per $1,000 Commercial
Section 11 Well Installation
For the installation of each well, the fee shall be per the following:
Shallow well (less than 100 feet) $50.00
Deep well Residential (Single-family) $50.00 plus $6 per thousand of
construction value
Deep well - Commercial (Multi-family) $50.00 plus $7 per thousand of
construction value
Wellhead Inspection Fee $230
Section 12 Air Curtain Destructor
Installation of an air curtain destructor $50.00
Section 13 Landfills, Mining and Ponds
Installation of and/or activity listed $50.00
Section 14 Fuel Storage Tanks Per Site
Installation of above ground/underground fuel storage tanks $50.00
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The site is the actual excavation for underground tanks and the installation location for above
ground tanks.
Section 15 Pools -Installation of swimming pools:
Residential (single family) $35 plus $6 per thousand of construction value
Commercial (multi-family) $55 plus $7 per thousand of construction value
Section 16 Fences
Residential (single family) $25 plus $6 per thousand of construction value
Commercial (multi-family) $30 plus $7 per thousand of construction value
Section 17 Hazardous Substance Registration Fee
A registration fee is required for facilities using over 10,000 pounds of hazardous substances for
person(s) and facilities required to report annually to the Georgia Emergency Response
Commission (GERC) and the Chatham County Local Emergency Planning Committee (CCLEPC)
in compliance with O.C.G.A. 48-13-9. Registration fee is required no later than May 1
of each
year. Fees shall be assessed on the basis of the combined average daily amounts of all
hazardous substances as reported for the previous calendar years to GERC & CCLEPC. Fee
rates shall be based on the following scale:
The Combined Average Daily Amounts of all
Hazardous Substances Reported under
SARA Title 111, Section 312
Chatham County Hazardous Materials
Registration Fee
1 pound to 9,999 pounds
No registration fee, registration still required
10,000 pounds to 99,999 pounds
100,000 pounds to 999,999 pounds
1,000,000 pounds or greater
The failure of any person to register or to pay the hazardous substance fee by not later than May
of each year shall result in the requirement of payment of the original fee due plus a 25%
delinquency fee increase of the amount which would have been due if timely paid, said
delinquency fee amount not to exceed $1,000. Failure to pay timely the registration fee or
delinquency fee shall be enforceable in the Recorder’s Court of Chatham County.
Additional Information can be found at:
http://www.chathamemergency.org/PrepareNow/BusinessArticle?articleld=HazmatRegistration or
in the Chatham County Code Book Chapter 21, Article X, Section 21-1001 at
Article U. Appeals, Rezoning, Development & Review Fees
Section 1 Zoning Appeals
The Chatham County Commissioners hereby adopt the following Fee Schedule for the administration
of the Chatham County Zoning Ordinance.
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Section 2 Map Amendments
Three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500.00) base fee plus fifty dollars ($50.00) per acre or any
part thereof - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes notification of adjacent property
owners, advertisement in local newspaper and administrative costs).
Section 3 Text Amendments
Three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) base fee - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes
advertisement in a local newspaper and administrative costs).
Section 4 Board of Appeals
a. Application for Variance - Applications for variances for owner-occupied single-family
detached dwellings, including permitted accessory structures: Six hundred twenty dollars
($620.00) base fee - Original filing fee at the time of application. (Note: Fee includes $120.00
for Building Safety and Regulatory Services and $500.00 for MPC costs)
b. All Other Applications - All other applications have a base fee of one thousand three
hundred dollars ($1,300.00) - Original filing fee at the time of application. (Note: Fee includes
applications to establish a use, request for variances, or any other matter within the purview
of the Zoning Board of Appeals) (Note: Fee includes $120.00 for Building Safety and
Regulatory Services and $1,180.00 for MPC costs).
Section 5 Deferrals
Original filing fees at the time of application:
Deferrals less than sixty days (60) $ 50.00
Deferrals greater than sixty days (60) $100.00
Section 6 Subdivisions
The Chatham County Commissioners hereby adopt the following Fee Schedule for the administration
of the Chatham Subdivision Regulations.
a. Minor Revisions to recorded plat and subdivision recombination
Six hundred dollars ($600.00) base fee - Original filing fee at the time of applications.
b. Final Plats
Minor - Nine hundred dollars ($900.00) base fee plus one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per
lot - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes notification of adjacent property
owners, advertisement in local newspaper, and administrative costs).
Major One thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) base fee plus one hundred fifty
dollars ($150.00) per lot - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes notification of
adjacent property owners, advertisement in local newspaper, and administrative costs).
c. Preliminary Plans
One thousand three hundred dollars ($1,300.00) base fee plus twenty five dollars ($25.00)
per lot - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes notification of adjacent property
owners, advertisement in local newspaper, and administrative costs).
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d. Master Plans
Two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) base fee plus twenty five dollars ($25.00) per
lot - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes notification of adjacent property
owners, advertisement in local newspaper, and administrative costs).
e. Sketch Plans
One thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($1,750.00) base fee plus twenty-five dollars
($25.00) per lot - Original filing fee at the time of application (includes notification of adjacent
property owners, advertisement in local newspaper, and administrative costs).
f. Site Plans
Seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) base fee plus fifty dollars ($50.00) per acre.
g. Addresses - Two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
h. Development of Regional Impact
Seven hundred seventy five dollars ($775.00).
i. Continuance Fee Two hundred dollars ($200.00).
j. Re-Review Fee
Two hundred dollars ($200.00) initial application includes two (2) reviews.
k. Post Approval Revisions - Two hundred dollars ($200.00).
l. Neighborhood Meetings Four hundred dollars ($400.00).
Section 7 Historic Review Filing Fees
a. Application for Historic Property Designation
1. Property already designated or currently under review for designation as a National
Register Historic Property: One hundred dollars ($100.00) base fee - original filing
fee at the time of application.
2. Property not designated or under review for designation as a National Register
Historic Property: Two hundred dollars ($200.00) base fee - original filing fee at the
time of application.
b. Application of Historic or Conservation District Designation
1. District already designated or currently under review for designation as a National
Register Historic District: One hundred ($100.00) base fee plus $1 for each property
included within the proposed District original filing fee at the time of application.
2. District not designated or under review for designation as a National Register Historic
District: Two hundred dollars ($200.00) base fee plus $2 for each property included
within the proposed District original filing fee at the time of application.
3. Waiver of District Designation Fee Criteria: The applicant may request in writing a
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waiver of the District Designation Fee if the median income level for the proposed
district is below twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), as verified on the most
recent Census records. If the applicant believes that the Census records do not
adequately reflect the current median income level of the proposed district, the
applicant may self-report the income of each household located within the proposed
district with the head of each household signing a statement attesting to the veracity
of the self-reported income level.
c. New Construction Fee
1. Staff Review: Fees for the staff review will be determined by the cost of construction,
as reported by the Owner, and as outlined below.
Cost of Construction Fee
$0 - $5,000 $ 25
$5,000 - $25,000 $ 50
$25,000 - $50,000 $ 100
$50,000 - $100,000 $ 150
$100,000 - $500,000 $ 200
$500,000 - $1,000,000 $ 300
$1,000,000 - $5,000,000 $ 500
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000 $ 1,000
Over $10,000,000 $ 2,000
2. Board Review Demolition: The fee for Board Review of a Demolition of a
contributing building will be set at $500.00.
3. A $40 fee will be added to each of the above fees to recover the costs of the required
d. Appeal of Staff Decision: The fee for an appeal of a Staff Decision to the Board will be set
at $200.
e. “After-the-Fact” Application: Fees for any application for which work has already started
or proceeded prior to obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness, the fees herein
specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such doubled fees shall not relieve
any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this code in the exception
of the work nor from any other penalties as prescribed herein.
Article V. Solid Waste Operations
Section 1 Solid Waste Management Activity Fee
Chatham County collects a two dollar and fifty cents ($2.50) fee per ton of solid waste materials
deposited into private waste disposal facilities (landfills). These funds are placed into a restricted
revenue account to be used only for solid waste / recycling / waste reduction initiatives.
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Section 2 Solid Waste Fees
For every single family residential unit in the unincorporated area, a Solid Waste Fee will be charged
per year. This charge is for solid waste services in the unincorporated area of the county which
includes yard waste recycling and curbside bulky item collection. The fee will be included on the 2
installment real estate property tax bills. The Tax Commissioner is responsible for collecting the
fees. Penalties and due dates will be the same as indicated on the tax bill. The fee will be $85 .00
per year per single family residential unit. For purposes of this ordinance, single-family residential
means residential properties classified by the County as having one or more dwelling per property
or parcel, such as a house with a mother-in-law suite or an additional mobile home. It also includes
residential properties with less than one building a vacant lot with an ancillary structure, such as a
garage or dock. A totally vacant lot would be exempt.
Article W. Sewer Service Charges & Fees
Section 1 Application for Sewer Service
All applications for sewer service shall be made in writing on forms furnished by Water Utility
Management on line at www.waterga.com or in person at 621 Stephenson Avenue, Savannah, Ga,
31405. Contact Water Utility Management at (912)-352-9339. An application, when accepted,
shall constitute a contract. Said contract shall bind the owner or tenant to pay to Water Utility
Management for services rendered on the behalf of Chatham County, its prescribed rate and to
comply with all the rules and regulations applicable to the service.
Section 2 Sewer Service Fees
Flat Rate $ 95.00
Base Rate 0 cubic feet per 2 month billing period $ 29.00
0 2,000 cubic feet (748 gallons) $ 4.50
2,000 cubic feet up to 5,000 cubic feet $ 5.00
Customer Deposit - Sewer Only $ 125.00
Sewer Special Flat Rate $1,388.10
Sewer Special Deposit Flat Rate $ 120.00
Sewer Irrigation Base Charge $ 28.35
Sewer Bethesda Base Charge $ 28.35
Section 3 Tap-In Fees
Sewer $ 350.00
Article X. Public Works
Section 1 Rights-Of-Way Encroachment Permit
The Chatham County Rights-Of-Way Encroachment Ordinance regulates construction activity in
County owned right-of-way. Each application must be reviewed and inspected by Public Works staff
prior to commencement. Furthermore, staff in the office of the County Engineer must review the
application to verify the proposed facility will not conflict with proposed public improvement projects
or specimen trees. During construction of the permitted activity, Public Works staff will inspect the
activity from time-to-time with the intent of protecting the County infrastructure - particularly below
ground. At the completion of the permitted activity, staff will inspect the site to insure the County
right-of-way is replaced to the pre-activity condition.
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The application fee for Rights-Of-Way Encroachment is fifty dollars ($50.00).
Section 2 Penalty Fee
Failure to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be grounds for revocation of the permit
issued under this Ordinance and reason for not issuing future permits to the permittee or owner
concerned. In addition, failure to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, including, but not
limited to obtaining or applying for an encroachment permit, upon conviction thereof, shall result in a
fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or imprisonment in the County Jail for not more
than thirty (30) days, for any single offense, or any combination thereof, and in addition, the payment
of all costs and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues shall be
considered a separate offense. Nothing herein contained shall prevent Chatham County from taking
such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation of this Ordinance.
Section 3 Additional Details
Additional detailed information regarding Rights-Of-Way Encroachment may be obtained from the
Rights-Of-Way Encroachment Ordinance.
Article Y. Street Paving
Section 1 Citizen Participation Paving
Under the Chatham County Citizens Participation Ordinance, Chatham County established uniform
rates to charge property owners for street paving. Under this ordinance, the charge per foot of
property fronting a newly paved street is thirty three dollars ($33.00). Where the newly paved street
contains curbs and gutters, the charge per foot is fifty dollars ($50.00). Areas with sanitary sewer
lines are required to have curbs and gutters.
Article Z. Street Lighting
Section 1 Street Lighting Rates
In 1990, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners adopted uniform street lighting rates. Billing
for street lighting is generated annually by the Chatham County Tax Commissioner’s Office on
property tax bills. The current rates are:
($) Cost ($) Admin $ Total
Lots Per Lot Fee Per Lot Cost Per Lot
Rate 01 5560 25.00 1.00 26.00
Rate 02 3096 28.00 1.00 29.00
Rate 03 4431 35.00 1.00 36.00
Rate 04 75 38.00 1.00 39.00
Rate 05 45 47.00 1.00 48.00
Rate 06 37 55.00 1.00 56.00
Rate 07 47 64.00 1.00 65.00
Rate 08 145 72.00 1.00 73.00
Rate 09 7 80.00 1.00 81.00
Rate 10 1 92.00 1.00 93.00
Rate 11 9 104.00 1.00 105.00
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Rate 27 49 296.00 1.00 297.00
The rates are based upon Georgia Power Company’s charges.
Article AA. Abandoned Motor Vehicles
Section 1 Definition
An abandoned motor vehicle is defined as any motor vehicle parked on private property, whether
operative or inoperative, which does not have affixed thereto a valid, current state motor vehicle tag.
Section 2 Decal Required
The Building Safety and Regulatory Services Department shall issue a decal for abandoned motor
vehicles, bearing the make, model and serial number of said vehicle, location, and owner, provided
all applicable taxes have been paid. Application for said decal shall be made each quarter by the
owner. The decal issued shall be affixed to the abandoned motor vehicle in such manner as to cause
it to be easily visible for inspection. No person shall allow or permit more than one abandoned motor
vehicle on their property at one given time.
Section 3 Registration
The owners of abandoned motor vehicles must register said motor vehicles as hereinbefore set forth,
and shall pay to said Building Safety and Regulatory Services Department the sum of ten dollars
($10.00) for issuance of the decal quarterly.
Article BB. Alcoholic Beverage Licenses
Refer to County Code Chapter 17. https://www.chathamcountyga.gov/OurCounty/CodeBook
Article CC. Business / Occupational Tax
Refer to County Code Chapter 16. https://www.chathamcountyga.gov/OurCounty/CodeBook
Article DD. Fire Protection Service Fee
Refer to County Code Chapter 21 Article XII.
Article EE. Amendment, Severability, Repealer and Effective Date
Section 1 Subsequent Amendment
This ordinance shall be subject to amendment or repeal, in whole or in part, at any time, and no such
amendment to repeal shall be construed to deny the right of Chatham County to assess, levy, and
collect any of the taxes, license fees, or other charges prescribed. The payment of any one tax,
license fee, or other charge herein provided shall not be construed as prohibiting the assessment,
levy, or collection of additional taxes or fees upon the same person, firm, or corporation.
Section 2 Effect Upon Previous Ordinances
This ordinance does not repeal or affect the force of any part of any ordinance previously passed
where taxes, license fees, service charges, or any other fees levied under such prior ordinance have
not been paid in full. So much and such parts of such prior ordinance which provide for the issuing
- 34 -
and enforcing of execution for any tax, assessment, fee, or charge required by any such ordinance,
and such parts which impose fines or penalties for the non-payment of the same, or for failure to take
out a license, or failure to comply with any other provisions thereof, shall continue and remain in
force and effect until such tax, assessment, fee or charge shall be fully paid.
Section 3 Severability
If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance shall be declared
invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, or if the provisions of any part of
this ordinance as applied to any particular situation or set of circumstances shall be declared invalid
or unconstitutional, such invalidity shall not be construed to affect the portion of this ordinance not
be held to the invalid, or the application of this ordinance to other circumstances not so held to be
invalid. It is hereby declared as the intent that this ordinance would have been adopted had such
invalid portion not been included herein.
Section 4 Repealer
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, and not preserved hereby, are
hereby repealed. All parts of such ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and
Section 5 Effective Date of This Ordinance
This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2022 upon its approval by the Chatham County Board of
Commissioners, and the provisions shall be in full force and effect on said date.
APPROVED: This_____day of _______________, 2022.
Chester A. Ellis, Chairman
Chatham County Board of Commissioners
ATTEST: _________________________________
Janice Bocook, County Clerk
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The following schedule of fines and fees is hereby established for the offenses listed below. Persons
Charged with the offense(s) listed may elect to pay the established fines and fees in lieu of appearing
in court. All previous orders relating hereto are vacated as of the effective date of this order, provided
that offenses committed prior to the establishment of this fine schedule will be governed by the fine
schedule in effect at the time of the offense.
Title 40 Motor Vehicles and Traffic Violations
40-1-3 Requiring or permitting unlawful operation of vehicle $75.00 $142.38
40-1-4 Stickers, decals, emblems containing profane or lewd $60.00 $121.90
words, etc.
40-1-8(h) Safe operation of commercial vehicles $250.00 $381.25
40-2-6 Alteration of license plates $500.00 $722.50
40-2-7 Removing/affixing license $250.00 $381.25
40-2-8(a) Failure to register vehicle within 30 days after (SHOW PROOF)
Becoming a resident $100.00 $176.50
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40-2-8(b) Operation of unregistered vehicle or vehicle w/o (SHOW PROOF)
Current license plate $100.00 $176.50
40-2-8(c) Operation of vehicle w/o county decal $25 1
offense $74.13
$100 2
+ offense $176.50
$25.00 $74.13
40-2-8.1 Operation of vehicle w/o revalidation decal on (SHOW PROOF)
License plate $25.00 $74.13
40-2-20 Registration and license requirements (SHOW PROOF)
$25.00 $176.50
40-2-41 Display of license plates $75.00 $142.38
40-2-44 Reporting of stolen, lost or mutilated revalidation $15.00 $60.48
40-2-80 Transfer of special license plate $75.00 $142.38
40-2-88 Reciprocal agreements for registration of commercial $250.00 $381.25
40-2-90 Operations of vehicles in other states $130.00 $217.45
40-5-23 Wrong class permit $130.00 $217.50
40-5-29 No license on person $15.00 $60.48
40-5-29(b) Failure to display $15.00 $60.48
40-5-30 Restrictive license $130.00 $217.45
40-5-32 Expired permit $15.00 $60.48
40-5-33 Change of address or name $15.00 $60.48
40-5-122 Permitting unlicensed person to drive $120.00 $203.80
40-5-145 Duties of employer $500.00 $722.50
40-5-146 Op of comm. Vehicle w/out valid license $500.00 $722.50
40-6-2 Obedience to authorized person directing traffic $130.00 $217.45
- 37 -
40-6-10 No proof of insurance (vehicles) MANDATORY $0.00
40-6-11 No proof of insurance (motorcycles) MANDATORY $0.00
40-6-14 Limits on sound volume produced by radio, rom
Within vehicles $100.00 $176.50
40-6-16 Procedure for passing a stationary authorized
emergency vehicle $250.00 $381.25
40-6-20 Obedience to traffic-control devices req. $200.00 $313.00
40-6-26 Interference with official signal control $200.00 $313.00
40-6-40 Driving on wrong side $130.00 $217.45
40-6-41 Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite $130.00 $217.45
40-6-42 Overtaking and passing generally $130.00 $217.45
40-6-43 When overtaking and passing on the right permitted $130.00 $217.45
40-6-44 Limitations on overtaking and passing on the left $130.00 $217.45
40-6-45 Limitations on driving on left of center of roadway $130.00 $217.45
40-6-45(a)(1) Passing on curve $130.00 $217.45
(2)(a) Passing at intersection marked solid line $130.00 $217.45
(2)(b) Passing at a railroad crossing $130.00 $217.45
40-6-45(a)(3) Passing within 100 feet of bridge, viaduct or tunnel $130.00 $217.45
40-6-46 No passing zone $130.00 $217.45
40-6-47 Wrong way/one way street $130.00 $217.45
40-6-48 Improper lane use $130.00 $217.45
40-6-49 Following too close $130.00 $217.45
40-6-50 Divided highway $130.00 $217.45
40-6-51 Controlled access road $130.00 $217.45
- 38 -
40-6-52 Truck using multilane highways $130.00 $217.45
40-6-52(b) Truck using multilane highways $130.00 $217.45
40-6-70 Entering intersection $130.00 $217.45
40-6-71 Failure to yield at intersection $130.00 $217.45
40-6-72 Stop sign violation $200.00 $313.00
40-6-73 Failure to yield, entering roadway $130.00 $217.45
40-6-74 Failure to yield, emerging vehicle $130.00 $217.45
40-6-76 Funeral procession violations $100.00 $176.50
40-6-90 Pedestrian violation $130.00 $217.45
40-6-91 Failure to yield to pedestrian $130.00 $217.45
40-6-91(b) Pedestrian shall not leave curb, etc. and into
path of vehicle $130.00 $217.45
40-691(d) Passing vehicle stopped for pedestrian in crosswalk $130.00 $217.45
40-6-92 Crossing by pedestrian elsewhere than crosswalk $130.00 $217.45
40-6-96 Pedestrians waling on or along roadway $100.00 $176.50
40-6-97 Pedestrian impeding flow of traffic $100.00 $176.50
40-6-98 Driving through safety zone prohibited $100.00` $176.50
40-6-120 Improper turn $100.00 $176.50
40-6-121 Improper U-turn $100.00 $176.50
40-6-122 Unsafe starting of parked vehicle $100.00 $176.50
40-6-123 Unsafe turn $100.00 $176.50
40-6-124 Turn signal required $100.00 $176.50
40-6-126 Central lane for turning $130.00 $217.45
40-6-140 Signal for approaching train $130.00 $217.45
40-6-142 Certain vehicles to stop at all railroad crossings $130.00 $217.45
40-6-144 Emerging from alley, driveway, or building $100.00 $176.50
40-6-163 Improper passing of school bus $200.00 $313.00
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40-6-180 Too fast for conditions $130.00 $217.45
40-6-181 Exceeding maximum speed limits:
Up to 10 mph over limit $40.00 $94.60
11-19 mph over limit $150.00 $244.75
20-29 mph over limit $250.00 $381.25
30-34 mph over limit $350.00 $517.75
35 mph and above COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED $500.00+
Up to 10 mph over limit $80.00 $149.20
11-20 mph over limit $200.00 $294.75
21-29 mph over limit $300.00 $394.75
40-6-184 Impeding traffic flow $130.00 $217.45
40-6-185 Speeding on bridge $130.00 $217.45
40-6-188 Speeding in highway work zones:
Up to 14 mph over limit $300.00 $394.75
15-24 mph over limit $400.00 $503.88
25-29 mph over limit $500.00 $603.88
40-6-200 Improper parking $100.00 $176.50
40-6-201 Leaving motor vehicle unattended $100.00 $176.50
40-6-202 Unsafe stopping $100.00 $176.50
40-6-203 Illegal parking $100.00 $176.50
40-6-205 Obstructing intersection $100.00 $176.50
40-6-226 Illegal parking in handicapped space $200.00 $313.00
40-6-240 Unsafe backing $100.00 $176.50
40-6-241 Driver to exercise due care $100.00 $176.50
40-6-241.1(b) Cell use prohibited under 18 years of age $150.00 $150.00
40-6-241.2(b) Texting prohibited 18 years of age and up $150.00 $150.00
40-6-242 Front seat occupants exceeds three $100.00 $176.50
40-6-243 Open door to traffic $100.00 $176.50
40-6-244 Riding in towed trailer $100.00 $176.50
40-6-246 Coasting $100.00 $176.50
40-6-247 Following emergency vehicle illegally $200.00 $313.00
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40-6-248 Crossing fire hose $100.00 $176.50
40-6-249 Littering roadway $200.00 $313.00
40-6-250 Wearing headphones while driving $100.00 $176.50
40-6-254 Unsecured load $100.00 $176.50
40-6-292 Riding double on-bicycle $130.00 $217.45
40-6-293 Clinging to vehicle $130.00 $217.45
40-6-294 Riding bicycle on wrong side $130.00 $217.45
40-6-295 Carrying articles on bicycle $60.00 $121.90
40-6-296 No lights/reflectors $75.00 $142.38
40-6-311 Motorcycle safety violation $130.00 $217.45
40-6-312 Unsafe operation of motorcycle $130.00 $217.45
40-6-313 Clinging to vehicle $130.00 $217.45
40-6-314 Footrests required $130.00 $217.45
40-6-315 Protective headgear required $130.00 $217.45
40-6-315(b) Windshield/protective eyewear required $130.00 $217.45
40-6-330 Motorized carts; hours of operations $60.00 $121.90
40-6-361 Traffic laws applicable to low-speed vehicles $60.00 $121.90
40-7-4 Operating restrictions $100.00 $176.50
40-8-3 Vehicle or loading dragging $25.00 $74.13
40-8-6 Altered suspension $100.00 $176.50
40-8-7 Unsafe vehicle $100.00 $176.50
40-8-8 Broken speedometer $100.00 $176.50
40-8-9 Failure to follow federal provisions to identify
vehicle owner $100.00 $176.50
40-8-20 Operating w/o lights $100.00 $176.50
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40-8-22 No headlights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-22(d) Headlights covered $100.00 $176.50
40-8-23 No taillights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-23(d) Light to illuminate license plate $100.00 $176.50
40-8-24 No reflectors $100.00 $176.50
40-8-25 No turn signal lights or brake lights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-26 Standards for brake lights and turn lights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-27 No flag or light on projecting load $100.00 $176.50
40-8-28 No parking lights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-29(a) Unlawful use of spotlights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-31 Failure to dim headlights $100.00 $176.50
40-8-50 No brakes or defective brakes $100.00 $176.50
40-8-70 No horn or warning device $100.00 $176.50
40-8-71 Exhaust system (defective) $100.00 $176.50
40-8-72 No rearview mirror $100.00 $176.50
40-8-73 Cracked windshield $100.00 $176.50
40-8-73.1 Tinted windshield $100.00 $176.50
40-8-74 Tires (unsafe) $100.00 $176.50
40-8-75 No mud flaps $100.00 $176.50
40-8-76 No child restraint $50.00 (No cost added) $50.00
40-8-76.1 No seatbelts $15.00 (No cost added) $15.00
40-8-90 Restrictions on flashing or revolving blue lights
On vehicles $1000.00 $1,355.00
The following offenses require appearance in court. To ensure appearance, a bond must be posted with the
Sheriff of Chatham County or, if provided for by law, license may be filed with the case in lieu of bail.
40-5-120 Unlawful use of license MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
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40-5-125 False driver’s license application MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
40-6-10 No insurance (unable to provide proof) MANDATORY COURT (SHOW PROOF)
40-6-181 Speeding violation 41+ over limit MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
40-6-271 Striking unattended vehicle MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
40-6-273 Failure to report accident MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
40-6-391 Driving under the influence MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
40-6-394 Serious injury by vehicle MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
40-6-395 Fleeing/Eluding police officer MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED
All violations related to an accident.
All offenses not specifically listed in the fine schedule above.
All offenses categorized as felony offenses.
All fines are subject to the following surcharges or additional fees as required by state law or local ordinance
which will be added to the base fine:
A. Police Officer Annuity and Benefit Fund, O.C.G.A. 47-17-60
B. Law Library Fund, O.C.G.A. 36-15-9
C. 1. Police Officer and Prosecutor Training Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-70
2. Indigent Defense Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-70
D. County Jail Construction and Staffing Fund, O.C.G.A 15-21-93
E. Crime Victims Emergency Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-112 (DUI offenses only)
F. Victim Assistance Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-131
G. Drug Treatment and Education Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-100 (Drug offenses only)
H. $25.00 publication fee for publication of photograph in newspaper (DUI offenses, etc.)
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I. Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-149 (DUI offenses only)
J. State of Georgia Probation Fee - $25.00 O.C.G.A. 42-8-34 (Probation cases only)
K. Driver’s Education and Training Fund, O.C.G.A. 15-21-179 (Title 40 charges only)
The court assesses the following fees:
A. $30.00 cost assessed per fine (local cost)
B. $100.00 fee assessed per accusation for failure-to-appear (contempt fee)
C. $35.00 fee assessed for each fine payment schedule established (court service fee)
D. $50.00 fee assessed against each person placed on supervised probation (court probation fee)
E. $5.00 technology fee assessed per fine (per HB 708 2005 Georgia General Assembly (local legislation)
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The Clerk of Court is authorized to establish fines, after consultation with the Judges of
this Court, for offenses that may not be included in this Schedule of
Fines and Fees.
The Clerk of Court will endeavor to ensure that any such offenses
become part of any new
or amended orders to this Schedule of Pines and Fees.
This schedule of fines and fees is effective for offenses committed on or after July 1,
2015. This schedule will remain in effect until a new schedule of fines and fees
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[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this
space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page,
just drag it.]
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Recreation Fees
Pavilion #1
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Pavilion #2
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Conference Room
Refundable Cleaning/ Maintenance Deposit
Per Rental
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Community Meetings
Two Hours or Less
Community Meetings (Over Two Hours)
Pavilion #1
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Pavilion #2
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Conference Room
Refundable Cleaning Deposit
Per Rental
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Community Meetings
Two Hours or Less
Community Meetings (Over Two Hours)
Pavilions #1
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Pavilion #2 & #3
Non Profit Rate
Five Hours or Less
Conference Room
Refundable Cleaning Deposit
Per Rental
Community Meetings
Two Hours or Less
Community Meetings (over Two Hours)
Pavilion #1
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Pavilions #2 & #3
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Pavilion Fee
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
- 51 -
Pavilion #1
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Pavilions #2
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Rental Fee
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Room A Rental Fee Only
Room B Rental Fee Only
Room A & B Rental Fee (must be reserved by
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Refundable Cleaning Deposit
Per Rental
Community Meetings
Two Hours or Less
Community Meetings (Over Two Hours)
Rental Fee In Season (four hour minimum)
Non Profit Fee
Five Hours or Less
Refundable Cleaning Deposit
Per Rental
Refundable Cleaning/ Maintenance Deposit
Damages exceeding $100 will be billed to the
Permit Holder directly, from a vendor chosen by
Chatham County Park and Recreation.
Tybee Pier & Pavilion
Chatham County Schools
Two Hours or Less
Chatham County Schools (over Two Hours)
Outside Chatham County
Two Hours or Less
Outside Chatham County (over Two Hours)
- 52 -
All Other Pavilions
Chatham County Schools
Two Hours or Less
Chatham County Schools (Over Two Hours)
Outside Chatham County
Two Hours or Less
Outside Chatham County (Over Two Hours)
Sport Fees
I. Memorial Stadium Fees
Tier 1**
Tier 2**
Tier 3**
Tier 4**
Over 5 Hours
Five Hours or Less
II. Youth Sports Entry Fees
Basketball Tournament
Per Team
Softball/Baseball Tournaments
Per Team
Other Soccer Leagues
Per Team
Soccer League/ Clubs
Per Team
BOE High /Middle School
Per Team
Little League Baseball/Softball
Per Individual
Football League
Per Team
Basketball League
Per Team
All Other Sports
III. Sports and Parks Space Fees
Vendor Space (10’ x 10’)
Five Hours
Amusement Equipment Space
Five Hours
Grass Field Use Fee
Per Four Hours
Grass Field Use Fee for Participating Clubs
Per Four Hours
Turf Field Use
Per Four Hours
Turf Field Use for Participating Clubs
Per Four Hours
Lights Charge per Field
Per Four Hours
Tournament with Lights
Per Field
Tournaments with Lights for Participating Clubs
Per Field
Additional Field Maintenance
Daytime Field Usage for Recognized Community
Up ot Two Hours
No Cost
IV. Camps Fees
Spring/Winter Camps
Without Extended Care
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Spring/Winter Camps
With Extended Care
Summer Camp
Without Extended Care
Summer Camp
With Extended Care
* Non-Program Teams
** Determine by several different criteria
Off Season
Soccer (no lights)
Weekly (3 days per week)
Soccer (with lights) Weekly (3 days per week) $52.00
Lacrosse (no lights) Weekly (2 days per week) $26.00
Lacrosse (with lights) Weekly (2 days per week) $52.00
Baseball (no lights) Weekly (2 days per week) $26.00
Baseball (with lights) Weekly (2 days per week) $52.00
Daily Admission Fees
Child (2 & Under) Free
Child (3 yrs. 12) $4.00
Senior (60 +)/College, Military $5.00
Adult (13-59 yrs.) $6.00
Memberships Annual & Monthly Pay Options
College Student/Military $360 prepay for a year
$36 monthly
Military/College Family $540 prepay for a year
$54 monthly
Individual $420 prepay for a year
$42 monthly
Family $660 prepay for a year
$66 monthly
Child (3-12 yrs. old) $180 prepay for year
$18 monthly
Senior 60+ Individual $240 prepay for a year
$24 monthly
Senior 60+ Couple $480 prepay for a year
$48 monthly
Prepaid Members have the ability to freeze account 3 times in a year extending their membership; monthly
members do not have this option. *Paying Monthly is a 20% mark up on total yearly price
Swim Team Memberships Angelfish all ages $15 per month
The Kraken ages 6-16 $30 per month
Locker Rentals $100 per year
Punch Cards (for open swim and water aerobics)
Adult 13 yrs. to
59 yrs.
Child 3-12
Child 2 &
10 Swims
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20 Swims
40 Swims
*Select Rate is for Senior (60+), Military and College Students
Swimming Lessons
1 Student
2 Students
3 Students
Babies & Tots
1 lesson
1 lesson
1 lesson
8 lessons
4 lessons
4 lessons
Holiday Camp Non Member Member
$20 per day $15 per day
Lifeguard Certification Course $200 per course $150 per course
CPR Class $55 per course $40 per course
Lane Rental
25 Yard Lane
$7.00 per lane/per hour
50 Meter Lane
$14.00 per lane per hour
Use of PA system (subject to availability)
Pool Space Rental
Pool space in the Recreational Pool or Lap Pool that may not be exactly a “lane” mostly for therapy groups,
Kayak groups, scuba training, other agency training, filming, etc.
$7 per participant for 1 on 1
$30 Group rate during summer sessions
$20 for 2-5 participants per hour
$40 for 6-10 participants per hour
Facility Rental-Competitive Swim Meets/Aquatic Events for Out of County Renters
Note: USER must provide certified timing system operator. Timing system does not include integrated
software, computer, printer to display names or score events/print results
Exclusive use of entire facility, with P.A. system, start
system, and touchpad timing system.
5 hours or less pro-rated to ½ day - $ 850
Exclusive use of 50 meter competition pool, with P.A.
system, start system, and touchpad timing system.
5 hours or less pro-rated to ½ day - $ 600
Use of eight (8) lane 25-yd championship course, with
P.A. system, start system, and touchpad timing system
or button timing system.
$ 100/hour within regular operational hours.
Additional lanes: $7.00/hr.
On Sundays, exclusive use rate only
Use of scoreboard
Set-up fee of $75.00 for set-up and testing of the
equipment. Additional $50.00 per day for a
scoreboard operator to be on call.
After Hours Additional Fee
$ 150/hour additional fee added on
Facility Rental-Competitive Swim Meets/Aquatic Events for In County Renters
Note: USER must provide certified timing system operator. Timing system does not include integrated
software, computer, printer to display names or score events/print results
Exclusive use of entire facility, with P.A. system, start
system, and touchpad timing system.
$ 1200/day
4 hours or less pro-rated to ½ day - $ 600
Exclusive use of 50 meter competition pool, with P.A.
system, start system, and touchpad timing system.
$ 900/day
4 hours or less pro-rated to ½ day - $ 450
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Use of eight (8) lane 25-yd championship course, with
P.A. system, start system, and touchpad timing system
or button timing system.
$ 75/hour within regular operational hours.
Additional lanes: $7.00/hr.
On Sundays, exclusive use rate only
Use of scoreboard
Set-up fee of $75.00 for set-up and testing of the
equipment. Additional $50.00 per day for a
scoreboard operator to be on call.
After Hours Additional Fee
$ 150/hour additional fee added on
Police, Fire, Dive teams, and Ocean Rescue Pool Use
Training for Public Service groups and Membership Option to Individuals within departments of Police, Fire, and Ocean
Rescue departments.
6 Months Agreement
Yearly Agreement (12 months)
Department Wide
$1000.00 (department contribution)
+ employee contribution of
$15.00/month *No Termination Fee
Dive Team
150 visits or less $500.00
151 visits to 300 visits
300 visits or less $1000.00
301-450 visits $1500.00
Dive times to be scheduled with the Aquatic Superintendent at least 1 week in advance. Teams will provide roster for
members on said team. Visits will count for group trainings as well as outside conditioning swims.
Other Rentals
Training Room
Tables and chairs for maximum of
12 guests.
$20 per hour
Other agencies use of
backboards, rescue tubes, diving
blocks, and other miscellaneous
training equipment
Party Rental
Party Set-up (birthday, corporate, reunion, etc.)
Party set-up and
recreational swim
Table and chair set up for
maximum of 30 guests.
$50 non-refundable reservation/set-up
fee plus $100 rental fee.
Group Reserved Admission
Recreational Swim (day care, youth group, etc.)
Recreational Swim for groups
of 10 or more
Guaranteed admission during
scheduled recreational swim
times. One reservation fee covers
Winter or Summer swim seasons.
$50 non-refundable reservation fee
plus per-person fee payable at time of
entry, based on average age of
attendees and group size.
The Aquatic Center uses a third party software system with integrated credit card processor for all daily
transactions. The credit card fees are paid to the processor on a monthly basis.
Daily Admission $5
Individual Membership Monthly $20
Family Membership Monthly $40
Special Needs Gym Membership Monthly $10
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Exemption for Board of Education Exceptional Students
Management Contract does include proposed rates for programs and events outside these daily admission and
membership rates.
Daily Greens Fees
Weekend Rates
18 Riding
9 Riding
Riding Twilight
18 Walking
9 Walking
*Select Rate available for seniors (age 60 and above) & Military with ID
Chatham County Employees - Everyday (Anytime) 18 Riding Rate of $20, 9 Riding Rate of $12
Range Buckets
Playing Member
(Age 60)
Range Only
Pre Pay Yearly
*Pay Monthly
$120 /mo
$75 /mo
$100 /mo
$90 /mo
$40 /mo
$50 /mo
Membership Plan Add-Ons
Golf Range
USGA Handicap
12 Cart Series
$150 (12 cart fees for the price of 10)
Member Cart Fee - $15 for 18, $8 for 9 *Paying Monthly is a 20% mark up on total price
Junior Member Cart Fee - $10 for 18, $4 for 9 Member Cart Package: $150 for 12 eighteen hole cart
(17 & Under)
2 People
Group of 3-5
Group 6+
½ Hour
Weekday Rates
18 Riding
9 Riding
Riding Twilight
18 Walking
9 Walking
Junior (age)
- 57 -
1 Hour
Call for Rates
5 1 Hour
Call for Rates
Clubhouse after Hours Rental $75
Henderson Golf Course uses a third party software system with integrated credit card processor to process all
register transactions. The credit card merchant transaction fees are deducted daily from the revenue collected.
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