Revised 10.19.2020
The area in a street between the face of an existing or future curb and four feet back of such curb face is reserved for use by the
Department of Public Works (LAMC 62.03). The revocable permit is required for utility companies requesting to place structures
and/or utility lines within the public works right of way. Anything that crosses this area needs an encroachment permit. This
permit is required for both public and private agencies that are not installing utilities for the Department of Public Works
agencies. Examples of such utilities include Department of Water and Power electrical and water vaults, gas lines, cable
television lines, telephone lines, and other facilities.
The approval or disapproval of the encroachment requests may depend on the following:
The Bureau’s ability to easily gain access to the area of encroachment for future electrolier and/or conduit installations.
The Bureau’s ability to preserve and maintain existing facilities.
The Bureau’s ability to maintain street lighting substructures without costly conflict with other utility substructures.
Existing or proposed street lighting projects.
Future street Lighting improvements may necessitate the removal and/or relocation of utility facilities from within the
Bureau of Street Lighting easement. At such time, relocations shall be performed by the utility company at no expense
to the City of Los Angeles.
The requesting utility company (applicant) shall submit the following via email to S[email protected]. Processing will not begin
until payment (check) is received. (Incomplete submittals shall be returned unprocessed)
Bureau of Street Lighting
Private Development Division
1149 S. Broadway, Suite 160
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Attn: Shan Yu
1. Encroachment request letter with the (10-digit) Reference No. from the excavation utility (U) permit issued by BOE:
a. Explain why the utility company requires encroaching within the Bureau’s 4-foot easement. For conduit that
runs parallel with the street, inside the BSL’s easement, ONLY up to 10’ will be approved. If the conduit runs
longer than 10’, it will have to leave BSL’s jurisdiction and run in the street until it reaches its destination and
then enter back into BSL’s right of way.
b. Note whether any street lighting facilities (electroliers, foundations, pullboxes, conduit runs) exist in the area of
Street lighting information may be obtained by contacting Daniel Ordonia at [email protected] or
the BSL Records Counter at (213) 847-1498.
2. Digital copies of utility plot plan, site plan with enlarged site plan, or engineering plan detailing all of the following:
a. Street names, cross streets, property lines, north arrow, and scale of plan.
b. Limits of the encroachment.
c. Depth of cover of any proposed substructure installed within the encroachment limits.
d. Size, depth, and/or profile of any proposed utility vault and/or foundation installed within the encroachment
e. Location of utility as offset from property lines, and/or street center lines, including that of cross streets.
f. Existing street lighting facilities (electroliers, foundations, pullboxes, conduit runs), if any.
g. Existing substructures within the vicinity of the encroachment.
h. Existing curb line, sidewalk and parkway widths and limits.
i. Street Lighting Notes To The Contractor & Street Lighting approval signature block (see below
*Attachment “A & “B”). *Both SHALL be added to ALL plan sheets that have new structures and/or utility lines
crossing BSL’s 4-foot EASEMENT.
j. Company title block (plan must be prepared by the applicant).
3. Processing Fees & Timelines: A check of $350, for a 3-week processing time, or $500, for a 1-week expedited
processing time; payable to the “City of Los Angeles needs to be sent via US Mail at the above address.
If you need further information or have questions, contact Shan Yu at For questions regarding the
installation of telecommunication equipment onto a street lighting pole owned/operated by BSL, please contact Victor
Turcios, Division Manager Co-Location Division, at [email protected].
Revised 10.19.2020
The contractor shall protect and maintain all street lighting facilities existing in the work area. Should any damage to the street
lighting system occur, the contractor shall immediately notify the Bureau of Street Lighting, Field Operations Division at (323)
913-4744. After 4:30 PM Monday through Thursday, or 3:30 PM on Friday, contact the Electric Trouble Board of the Department
of Water and Power at (800) 821-5278 from the (213) area code, or (800) 821-5279 from the (818) area code.
The contractor shall arrange for the immediate repair and restoration of the damaged street lighting system at no cost to the City. A
licensed electrical contractor is required to make all repairs necessary to the street lighting facilities.
The contractor shall install all proposed facilities 12 inches clear of the street lighting foundations, pullboxes, and conduits, except
where otherwise stated herein. Two business days prior to working near the street lighting circuit the contractor shall arrange for
the presence of a City of Los Angeles, Public Works inspector, (213) 485-5080 or (818) 374-1188, to verify all clearance
requirements are met. Where a conflict exists between the street lighting facilities and the proposed improvements, approval for
relocation of the street lighting facilities may be obtained by contacting the Street Lighting Engineer at (213) 847-1459.
The contractor shall proceed with extreme caution when working near the high voltage series circuit. Unauthorized work on the
series circuit can result in severe injury or death. The contractor shall notify the Bureau of Street Lighting, Field Operations
Division (323) 913-4744 two business days prior to working near the street lighting circuit.
This plan has been reviewed by the Bureau of Street Lighting and approved for the encroachment of new utilities within the Bureau
of Street Lighting easement as specified hereon and within this plan:
# of vault/cabinet locations: __________ # of conduit locations:___________
Linear footage of conduit: __________lf
for ____________________________________________________, ______________
Executive Director, Bureau of Street Lighting Date