"The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its program and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status,
familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not
all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s
TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410,
or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer."
Powell-Deer Lodge-Granite
County FSA
1002 Hollenback Rd, Suite B
Deer Lodge, MT 59722
Phone: (406) 846-2337
Fax: (406) 846-3134
County Committee Members
Steve Graveley – LAA 1-1
Barb Conn – LAA 1-2
Marlin Gilman – LAA 1-3
Carl Johnson – LAA 1-4
Phil Ralston – LAA 1-5
FSA Office Personnel
Gary Thompson – ext. 233
Sandra Witt – ext. 232
Dates to Remember:
May 15 – Beginning Date of primary
nesting season
May 25 – Office Closed Memorial Day
June 15 – 17 Montana Range Days,
Miles city
June 15 – COC Nominations Open
July 3 – Office Closed, 4
of July
July 15 – Acreage Report Deadline
August 3 – COC Nominations End
Assistance Provided for Livestock Losses
If you suffered livestock death losses in 2008 and/or 2009
due to eligible adverse weather events, you may be eligible to
receive payments from the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP).
Although forms and procedures to apply for the program are
not available at this time, please contact the county office to
learn more about the eligibility requirements to apply for LIP
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
For 2009 through 2012 crop years, to be eligible to receive a
marketing loan gain (MLG) or Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP),
an entity or individual’s average adjusted gross nonfarm
income cannot exceed $500,000. A person or legal entity with
average adjusted gross nonfarm income that exceeds
$500,000 is not eligible for MLG’s and LDP payments.
However, the person or entity is eligible for a marketing
assistance loan if requested before the final loan availability
date, but the Marketing Assistance Loan (MAL) must be repaid
at principal plus interest or a commodity certificate may be
exchanged for the loan collateral. Commodity certificates are
available until the end of the 2009 crop year.
Conservation Compliance
Federal regulations discourage the production of
crops on highly erodible cropland unless the land is
protected from erosion by an approved conservation
system. Status reviews are conducted to ensure
producers follow a conservation plan on highly erodible
In addition to the highly erodible land, a person may
not plant an agricultural commodity on wetlands
converted after Dec. 23, 1985, or convert a wetland to
make agricultural production possible after Nov. 28,
Failure to comply with these provisions will cause a
person to be ineligible for USDA benefits. County
Committees may review noncompliance situations for
good faith and provide relief in approved cases.
Change in Farming Operation or Address
Producers are reminded to notify this office to report
change in address, land ownership or entity changes
regarding percentages and/or adding or removing a
member. This is vital to assist this office in keeping
current records which reduce time spent when
applying for different programs.
Change in Direct Deposit Account
The Debt Collection Act of 1996 mandates that
payments from FSA be directly deposited into a
producer’s checking or savings bank account. It is
important that any change in the producer’s account
such as type of account, bank mergers, routing
number or account numbers be provided to the county
office promptly to avoid possible payment delay.
2009 Acreage Reports
The deadline to file 2009 acreage reports is July
15, 2009. The farm maps will be mailed or made
available at the FSA county office for producers.
There are new requirements for reporting all cropland
and rangeland for various program eligibility. Please
follow the instructions closely for completing the
Changes to FSA Payment Processing
FSA will be deploying a new payment
processing system the first part of December.
Through the new system, all payments
made through direct deposit will be processed
through the Federal Reserve Bank and will be
received in the participants account within 2-3
days of processing.
Interest Rates for Farm Loan Program
Effective as of March 1,
Program Interest
Farm Operating-
Direct, Joint
Down Payment
Loan- Amount
of Actual Loss
Recovery Act Funding Loans in MT
FSA in Montana obligated $2.2 million in
loans to assist producers within the state. The
funding is through the stimulus bill titled the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
53% of the loan funds were advanced to
socially disadvantaged and beginning farmers
and ranchers.
Beginning Farmers
and Ranchers
The funds may be used to purchase
livestock equipment feed seed fert
ilizer and
Pulse Crops
The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of
2008 provided for eligible pulse crop acreage to
be added as base acres and yields for
commodities eligible for the 2009 through 2012
Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program (DCP) and
for the Average Crop Revenue Election Program
(ACRE). Pulse crops are defined as dry peas,
lentils, Desi garbanzo beans (small chickpeas),
and Kabuli garbanzo beans (large chickpeas).
Pulse crops will be eligible for counter-cyclical
payments under DCP, but not eligible for direct
Producers with farms identified as having pulse
crops planted during the 1998 through 2001 crop
years will soon be receiving a letter notifying them
of available options to add pulse crop bases to
their farm. Included with the letter will be a
Summary Acreage History and Yield Report that
shows pulse crop acreage reported to FSA during
those years and 75% of the county average yield.
Late-filed acreage reports, with supporting
evidence, may be filed for history purposes if
acreage reports were not filed with FSA in 1998
through 2001. Producers with planting history will
have three options; 1) do not add pulse base –
retain current base acres, 2) add eligible pulse
base without an offset of existing base, or 3) add
eligible pulse crop base with an offset of existing
base. Yields will be set at 75% of the county
average unless producers elect to update the yield
by using the farm’s actual yields for the crop years
1998-2001. Production evidence will be required
to support the request to update yields. Contact
this office for further information.
Farm Service Agency (FSA) Loans
FSA makes loans for land, livestock and other
agricultural purposes throughout Montana.
The agency’s loans offer low interest rates and
terms designed to help beginning farmers and
ranchers start out in agriculture with payments they
can afford.
FSA can assist smaller operations get started by
providing financing to purchase a tractor, grain truck
or 50 cows as an example. Every operator has to
get started some place and FSA has a variety of
loans and loan programs to assist in that endeavor.
FSA can finance applicants who are currently in
college if their goal is to return to
the farm or ranch following graduation. For a student
to be eligible while still in college they must be
substantially responsible for the management of the
security, this would include carrying out labor needs
during critical periods of the year.
Seedlings Still Available for Conservation Planting this Spring!
John Justin, Manager, Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery
Seedlings for conservation plantings are still available from the Department of Natural Resources and
Conservation’s nursery in Missoula. The nursery still has an excellent selection of many popular species
including caragana, golden currant, lilac, woods rose, blue spruce, ponderosa pine, Western larch, aspen,
cottonwoods, and willows. Although the nursery delivery truck has already visited most counties, seedling
orders can still be shipped directly to a landowners’ doorstep via Fed Ex.
The nursery will continue to accept seedlings orders for shipment this spring until at least May 23. The
minimum order is 250 seedlings for new plantings. Replacement or fill-in seedlings are available in lots of 50
for deciduous seedlings and 25 for evergreen and containerized stock.
To find out more or place an order, contact the nursery directly at 406-542-4244. Additional information
including a complete list of species and prices is also available on the nursery website:
Powell-Deer Lodge-Granite County FSA
1002 Hollenback Rd, Suite B
Deer Lodge, MT 59722
Postage Block