The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
(Formerly MOC-PS)
1635 Market Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-2204
Telephone: 215-587-9322
Fax: 215-587-9622
ABPS website:
2020 ABPS
Important Dates and Deadlines for the
2021 Continuous Certification Program Requirements
January 2021
All 2021 Continuous Certification Activities
available on ABPS Tracking Page
April 1 – 30, 2021
Self-Assessment Questions available after login on ABPS website
June 15, 2021
Continuous Certification Fee due
Payment accepted by credit card only via ABPS website
($50 late fee applied after this date)
December 1, 2021
Deadline - 2021 Continuous Certification Activities
Year 3, 6: Practice Improvement Activity
Year 6, 9: CME Report
Year 3, 9: Professional Standing Update
December 2 – 31, 2021
Late Deadline Period - 2021 Continuous Certification Activities
Year 3, 6: Practice Improvement Activity
Year 6, 9: CME Report
Year 3, 9: Professional Standing Update
December 1, 2021
Continuous Certification Certificates mailed prior
to original certificate expiration date.
Diplomates must be current on all requirements.
Email reminders will be sent from the Board Office periodically before approaching
Log in to the Board’s website,
Click “Tracking Page” to view your Continuous Certification Requirements and to
complete all activities
Click “My Profile” to update contact information and to provide a public address
reported in the Public Search results available on the Board’s home page through
the “Is Your Plastic Surgeon ABPS Board Certified?” link
Contact the Board Office at with questions
Important Dates and Deadlines 2
Preliminary Reference Information 5
Target Audience 6
Physician Profile and Log in 6
Continuous Certification Online Tracking Page 7
Public Search - “Is your Plastic Surgeon ABPS Board Certified?” 7
Reporting Continuous Certification Participation 8
Alerting the Public to Medical License Actions 8
Status Definitions for Reporting Certification 9
Continuous Certification Activities 10
Timeline of Activities 11
Annually: Self-Assessment 12
New Testing Format 12
Accessing the Assessment 12
Self-Assessment Content 13
Results and Reinforcement 13
Unsuccessful or Incomplete Administration 14
Transition to Longitudinal Learning 14
Annually: Continuous Certification Fee 15
Years 3 and 6: Practice Improvement Activity 15
Quality Improvement Publication 16
Quality Improvement Project 16
Registry Participation 16
Tracer Procedure Log 16
Years 6 and 9: CME Report 19
Year 3: Professional Standing Update 19
Year 9: Professional Standing Update (full audit) 20
Reciprocity for Continuous Certification credit 22
Confirmation of Participation 22
Consequences of Incomplete Requirements 22
Board Policies & Reference Information 23
Officers and Directors of the Board 24
Continuous Certification Committee, Advisory Council, Board Staff 25
Sponsoring Organizations 26
Mission Statement and Purpose 27
Who needs Continuous Certification? 27
Board Office Policies and Reminders 28
Web-based Services 28
Rules and Regulations 28
Decisions of the Board 29
Request for Special Consideration or Review 29
Inquiries as to Status 29
Certificates 29
Physicians with Special Circumstances 30
Re-entry to Surgical Practice 31
General 10-year Timeline for Diplomates 32
Fee Schedule 33
Continuous Certification Program
Preliminary Reference Information
Target Audience
2021 Continuous Certification Activities Booklet audience:
Time-limited Certificate Holders
Lifetime Certificate Holders participating in the ABPS
Continuous Certification Program
For specific deadline information, please visit your Tracking Page after logging
into the ABPS Website
Physician Profile and Log in
Update your contact information and stay current on your Continuous Certification
requirements. Diplomates must log in to the Board’s website to access their Profile and
complete online processes.
Log in to the Board’s website
Go to
Click Login in the top right corner of the home page and enter your username and
Unless previously customized, your username is your six-digit Board ID number and your
password is your last name with the first letter capitalized (e.g. Smith).
You may change your username and/or password at any time in the “My Profile” tab.
Contact the Board Office if you need log in assistance.
My Profile page
Diplomates may update the following information by clicking on “My Profile”:
contact information including email address
public address and telephone number for consumers
username and/or password
retired status with effective date please also email this information to
[email protected] to report retirement
The Board Office will send email notices to the applicable diplomates prior to any deadlines.
Be sure that your email address is updated on your profile page.
Continuous Certification Online Tracking page
The Board’s website features individual tracking for each diplomate participating in the
Continuous Certification Program. Once logged in, access the Tracking Page tab for a
customized list of requirements, deadline dates, status and completion dates. Once the
requirements are met each cycle year, diplomates have the ability to download an annual
Verification letter.
Help the Board keep each diplomate on track! If you notice an “overdue” or “incomplete” status under
your Alerts, please email the Board Office to verify and update if necessary.
“Is Your Plastic Surgeon ABPS Board Certified?”- Public Search Tool
The link to the public search tool on the Board’s website is available on the home page. This
tool allows consumers and credentialing specialists to search for board-certified plastic
surgeons by name and/or geographic location.
The diplomate’s name, city, state, zip code, certification status, certification history, and
participation status are automatically reported in the search results.
Diplomates should perform a personal search using this online feature to ensure
accuracy of the information reported.
Diplomates may log in to the Board’s website and access “My Profile” to enter a public
address and phone number for consumers. This information is only published if entered
by the diplomate. Otherwise, only the current city, state and zip code of the diplomate’s
address of record is displayed.
Reporting Continuous Certification Participation
The Board reports Continuous Certification participation status for each diplomate through the
“Is Your Plastic Surgeon ABPS Board Certified?” link. A status of “not current” will only be
reported if the diplomate is more than six months overdue on one or more requirement.
The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) also reports Continuous Certification
Participation status on the consumer-focused website,
Alerting the Public to Medical License Actions
If the ABPS is notified of a state medical board action in the primary state where the diplomate
practices, an alert to “See FSMB” may appear in the certification status column. Additional
information may be obtained from the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) by
following the link provided. Certification may be placed on suspended, on probation, or
revocation based on medical license action. An active, unrestricted license is a requirement
for certification.
ABPS Status Definitions for Reporting Certification and Continuous Certification
Status to the public on the Board’s website
Certification Status Definitions
Diplomate has met the Board’s residency training requirements in an
accredited institution in the U.S. or Canada. Diplomate successfully
completed both written and oral plastic surgery examinations to achieve
ABPS Board certification.
Certification has lapsed. The diplomate has not met the requirements to
renew certification.
Diplomate is no longer in the active practice of plastic surgery.
Certification is no longer valid due to failure by the diplomate to maintain
required ethical or professionalism standards.
Certification is suspended due to action on medical license by a state medical
board. Length of certificate suspension may run concurrent with medical
license limitations or any additional requirements required by the Board.
Certification is placed on probation due to action on medical license by a
state medical board. Length of certificate probation may run concurrent with
medical license limitations or any additional requirements required by the
ABPS was notified of a state medical board action in the primary state where
the diplomate practices. Contact the individual state medical board for details
via the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) service,
Continuous Certification Participation Status Definitions
All current requirements have been fulfilled. All diplomates with time-limited
certification (certified since 1995) are automatically enrolled upon initial
certification. Diplomates with lifetime certification (certified prior to 1995)
may voluntarily participate in the Continuous Certification Program.
Diplomate is participating, and also 6 months overdue with one or more
Time-limited certification – applies to diplomates certified 1995 and thereafter. Certificates are valid for
10 years. Participation in the Continuous Certification Program is mandatory.
Lifetime certification applies to diplomates certified prior to 1995. Certificates are valid indefinitely.
Participation in the Continuous Certification Program is voluntary, but expected and encouraged.
Continuous Certification
Program Activities
ABPS Continuous Certification Program
Timeline of Activities
Year 1
Continuous Cert
Year 2
Continuous Cert
Year 3
Continuous Cert
Standing Update
Year 4
Continuous Cert
Year 5
Continuous Cert
Year 6
Continuous Cert
CME Report
Year 7
Continuous Cert
Year 8
Continuous Cert
Year 9
Continuous Cert
Standing Update
(full audit)
with CME Report
Year 10
Continuous Cert
*Self-Assessment initially OPTIONAL during pilot. Diplomates must accrue at least 8 successfully completed
assessments within the 10 year cycle. Diplomates who successfully complete 8 self-assessments in the 10-year
cycle will satisfy the examination component of Continuous Certification.
Note: The 200-question Continuous Certification Examination administered via the Internet remains
required for diplomates expiring in 2021.
Annually: Self-Assessment
In 2019, the ABPS introduced a Longitudinal Learning Assessment, referred to as “Self-
Assessment.” The Board’s focus is to pilot a format that more closely matches the objective of
lifelong learning while being less burdensome to the diplomate, compared to a high stakes
longer exam at a testing center. This Self-Assessment is available the entire month of April and
contains 30 questions in the diplomate’s chosen module (Comprehensive, Cosmetic,
Craniomaxillofacial, or Hand) and is completed annually. Diplomates must accrue at least eight
successfully completed assessments within the ten year cycle.
New Testing Format
The annual Self-Assessment questions will be available in an Internet-Based Testing format,
rather than a Computer-Based Test which traditionally involved traveling to a testing center.
The questions can be completed on any device with internet connection and is no longer
limited to one day with a four hour window.
The Self-Assessment incorporates relevant content for each question, essentially a built-in
study guide. After answering a question, the diplomate will be directed to the supporting
rationale. After reading the rationale, the diplomate will be offered an additional opportunity
to answer the question if incorrectly answered on the first attempt.
Accessing the Self-Assessment
The Self-Assessment can be accessed at any point throughout the administration period April
1-30 and diplomates can exit and re-enter as many times as necessary to complete. The
questions must be completed by April 30th. No extensions or exceptions will be granted.
The Self-Assessment will be accessed through a link on the diplomate’s Tracking Page. Clicking
this link will direct the diplomate to the testing website where they will automatically be
logged in.
Email notifications and reminders will be sent in the weeks and days leading up to the
assessment window. The Board recommends diplomates sign in and complete the tutorial
exam on any device they plan to use to complete the questions. This should be done well in
advance of the testing window.
Self-Assessment Content
The Self-Assessment consists of 30 multiple choice questions, taken annually in the month of
April. The questions are based on a broad range of professional activities encompassing the
specialty of plastic surgery. Because the questions emphasize current surgical practice and
continuing education, the emphasis is different from the cognitive emphasis of the initial
Written Examination of the Board. This assessment is designed in a modular form to allow
diplomates to match the assessment to their practice profiles. Diplomates may take a
Comprehensive Plastic Surgery module or one of the specialty modules: Cosmetic Surgery,
Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, or Hand Surgery. Each assessment includes 24 questions specific
to the module, and 6 core and contemporary questions common to all modules.
Assessment and examination questions prepared by, or at the direction of, The American Board
of Plastic Surgery, Inc. (hereinafter "Board"), are the sole and exclusive property of the Board,
and said items are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries.
The assessment and examination items may only be used for such purposes as are designated
from time to time by the Board. The assessment materials cannot be used for other purposes
without explicit permission. The Board reserves all other rights. The Board appreciates the
cooperation of the Plastic Surgery Foundation and American Society for Surgery of the Hand for
granting permission for use of In-Service test items and the journals, Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery (PRS) and Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ) for use of CME Journal items for the
Continuous Certification examination. Copying, by any means, of all or any part of such
assessment or examination items or the unauthorized use in any way whatsoever of said items
is strictly prohibited.
Results and Reinforcement
Scoring for the assessment is based on the final response. When the diplomate completes all
30 Self-Assessment questions, a final score will be known immediately. Content-based
evaluation methods will be utilized by subject matter experts for each module of the
assessments annually, determining the passing score. This is formally reported to the
diplomates in June each year.
Though the passing score is determined by the final response, the initial first responses will be
analyzed to acknowledge and attempt to correct any knowledge gaps. The Board will provide
an individualized performance report, linking to society and other outside resources according
to the topics in which the diplomate performed poorly.
If a knowledge gap is determined in one or more topics, the diplomate will be delivered
reinforcement questions in the month of August, in the same manner as the April Self-
Assessment. This repetition of topics will support practice improvement and the development
of further learning in those areas that a diplomate may be deficient or more unfamiliar. An
email notification will be sent to diplomates encouraged to complete the reinforcement
questions. Further reinforcement will also be included in the following April’s Self-Assessment
Failing or Missing an Administration
Diplomates must accrue at least eight passing scores within the 10-year cycle to complete the
cognitive component of the Continuous Certification Program. With this requirement, the
diplomate will have up to two opportunities to fail to obtain a passing score: either by
substandard performance, or by not completing the questions within the 30-day
administration window.
If a diplomate does not complete the Self-Assessment within the administration window,
those questions will be inaccessible until the following year’s Assessment. All past due Self-
Assessments will be available in April of each year, with the ability to complete all missing
years during one administration window.
If a diplomate does not successfully complete the eight Self-Assessments before the expiration
of the original certificate, the certificate will expire.
Transitioning to Longitudinal Learning
ABPS is currently in a pilot program with the American Board of Medical Specialties, which will
conclude in 2021. The pilot will consider statistical analysis of the performance data of those
who completed the traditional 200-question exam compared to the same group’s
performance on the Self-Assessment. The 200-question Continuous Certification Exam will be
available congruent to this pilot timeline. This means diplomates with certificates expiring in
2021 will be required to take the traditional cognitive exam (in the new online testing format)
and the Self-Assessment questions will be optional until a new certificate is issued and the
new Continuous Certification cycle begins.
The Board understands that a majority of diplomates will be in the middle of their
certification cycles at the beginning of the Self-Assessment requirement in 2019. Diplomates
with certificates expiring in 2022 and later are encouraged to complete the Self-Assessments
each year before their certificate expires in order to satisfy the exam component of their
For any questions about specific timelines or requirements, please contact the Board Office at
[email protected] or by telephone at 215-587-9322.
Annually: Continuous Certification Fee
This fee is mandatory for diplomates with time-limited certificates. This fee assists in
maintaining the databases for reporting certification to health care consumers, tracking
Continuous Certification activities over the 10-year cycle and developing additional web-based
services for diplomates. Payment is made via credit card after secure log in to the Board’s
website. The link is accessed on the Tracking Page. A $50 late fee is applied to all Continuous
Certification Fees paid after the deadline date listed.
Note: The Board is a nonprofit organization, IRS Code 401I(6), and the fees of diplomates are
used solely for defraying the actual expenses of the Board. ABPS does not engage in
lobbying activities. The Directors of the Board serve 6-year terms without remuneration.
Years 3 and 6: Practice Improvement Activity
The Practice Improvement component of the ABPS Continuous Certification Program was
designed to recognize the work that physicians are already doing to improve patient care in
their practices. Physician participation in one of four options can satisfy the diplomate’s
Practice Improvement Activity:
Quality Improvement Publication
Quality Improvement Project
Registry Participation
Tracer Procedure Log
To complete the Practice Improvement Activity, log in to the Board’s website,, to access your Tracking Page and click the “Practice Improvement
Activity” link to select an activity. The guidelines and applications are available on the Board’s
Submission of Applications
Applications to submit a QI Publication, QI Project, or Registry Participation for consideration
are available for download on your Practice Improvement Activity page on the ABPS Website
after secure log in. After completion, please submit to st[email protected]
Submissions are reviewed by the Continuous Certification Program Committee and, upon
approval, will satisfy the Practice Improvement requirement. Please contact the Board Office
with any questions regarding these alternative options to the Tracer Procedure Log.
Quality Improvement Publication
The ABPS will accept a recently authored article within three years of publication as evidence
of a Quality Improvement activity for credit towards completing the Practice Improvement
component of the Continuous Certification program. The article must describe a Quality
Improvement process that resulted in a demonstrable improvement in patient care.
Quality Improvement Project
The ABPS will accept a recent Quality Improvement project within three years of completion
for credit towards completing the Practice Improvement component of the Contrinuous
Certification program. To be eligible for credit the project must have a specific aim to be
evaluated and identify specific metrics to measure.
Registry Participation
Participation in national registries, followed by practice comparison to those of peers, can
result in improved practices. The ABPS will recognize this type of activity for the Practice
Improvement component of the Continuous Certification program. To be eligible, please
submit the application available on the website with a report that documents the entry of at
least 10 cases of the same procedure, within three years of submission. This report should
display your practice results for this procedure compared to the registry aggregate.
Tracer Procedure Log (no application required)
1. Select ONE tracer procedure from the list of 24 by accessing the Tracer Procedure Log
under the Practice Improvement Activity link on the Board’s website. Review 10
consecutive patient charts for cases completed in the last three year period. Complete the
data fields for each of the 10 cases selected. The data entry must be finalized by December
The required content for each of the tracer procedures is available for preview
before selection. Click the Preview/Print tracer procedure data fieldslink found at
the top of Practice Improvement Activity page under Reference Documents.
Tracer Procedure Selection
Diplomates are encouraged to repeat the same tracer procedure for two
sequential (three-year) cycles in order to document practice improvement from
the first to the second assessment. For example, select Breast Reduction in
years 3 and 6.
Diplomates will be provided with their historical tracer data for comparison
purposes and to demonstrate improvement between cycles.
After two cycles of the same procedure, selection of a different tracer
procedure is recommended to optimize other areas of practice.
Tracer Procedures for Practice Improvement
Comprehensive Cosmetic Craniomaxillofacial Hand Surgery
1. Reduction Mammaplasty
1. Augmentation
1. Cleft Palate 1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
2. Breast Reconstruction
(Primary) – Autologous
2. Face Lift
2. Zyogomatic/Orbital
2. Dupuytren’s Disease
3. Breast Reconstruction
(Primary) – Implant
3. Suction-Assisted
3. Secondary Cleft Nasal
3. Thumb Carpo-
Metacarpal Arthritis
4. Facial Skin Malignancy 4. Blepharoplasty
4. Non-syndromic
4. Flexor Tendon
5. Lower Extremity Acute
5. Abdominoplasty 5. Mandible Fractures 5. Metacarpal Fractures
6. Wound Management
(including burns)
6. Rhinoplasty
6. Unilateral Cleft Lip
7. Pressure Sores
NOTE: Diplomates must contact the Board Office in writing with a detailed explanation if
they do not perform any of the tracer procedures available.
2. Review benchmarking report: This is a self-assessment step for the practitioner to
compare to his or her peers. A “pearl” of best evidence is provided with the benchmarking
report for each tracer procedure.
3. Complete only ONE of the following educational articles aligned with the selected tracer
procedure by reading an ABPS-approved article, from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
(PRS) Journal or other specialty society journal (CME credit for this activity is not required).
The article must be aligned with the specific tracer procedure selected.
The following societies and medical journals offer ABPS-approved articles:
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the Journal, Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery (PRS) -
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and Aesthetic Surgery Journal
(ASJ) or
American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) and Journal of Hand Surgery (JHS) or
4. Complete the Action Plan (Self Evaluation for Improvement) to note planned changes in
practice after completion of the practice-assessment module, educational activity and
review of your benchmarking report. Select at least two areas where improvement can be
made to your practice/patient care.
Years 6, 9: CME Report
Upload a report, from a CME Provider, of 125 hours of CMEs completed between the
period starting January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2021. The flexibility of more
than 5 years is offered to assist those completing the requirement early in the year. The
CME requirement must be completed by the deadline and meet the following
minimum categories:
At least 125 hours in Category I in plastic surgery activities
At least 25 hours in patient safety
Submission of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Summary of CMEs
(current and previous CME cycle reports) or the American Medical Association
(AMA) Physicians Recognition Program Report is preferred.
ASPS members who use the society’s website to track CME credits can transfer
their CME files directly from the ASPS website. Simply click the “Import” button
on the CME Report link from the Tracking Page of the Board’s website.
A self-reported summary of CME activities is acceptable. A certificate for each
Category I CME course listed must be uploaded online to complete each record
manually entered. The certificates must include the name of the course; date of
the course; category; and number of CMEs awarded.
Patient Safety Credits must be identified on the certificates or CME provider
report to be accepted. If needed, patient safety CME resources are listed on the
Board’s website under the Diplomates section accessible from the home page.
Refer to the Board’s policy for the Acceptance of Patient Safety CME Credits also
available on the Board’s website.
Year 3: Professional Standing Update
State Medical License(s): List all state licenses with license numbers and expiration
Hospital Privileges: List hospital names, addresses, dates of appointments. The hospitals
must be accredited by the Joint Commission or other approved organization authorized
by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Active, inpatient admitting
hospital privileges in plastic surgery are required.
Advertising Materials from the last 12 months: Select all that apply.
Peer Evaluation: List names, titles and email addresses of three peers.
Outpatient Facility Accreditation: List all outpatient facilities with name, city, state and
accrediting body. It is expected that all surgery performed under IV sedation or a
general anesthetic will be performed in an accredited center.
Year 9: Professional Standing Update (full audit)
Diplomates completing the Year 9 Professional Standing Update will be required to upload
documentation as a full audit. This update replaces the previously required MOC-PS Exam
The Board reserves the right to audit the professionalism information provided by the
diplomate at any time during the Continuous Certification Program cycle by requiring
supporting documentation. If a diplomate receives the request via email from the Board
Office, the documents must be emailed as PDF file attachments. Note: All diplomates are
required to provide supporting documentation of CME hours independent of being selected
for audit.
All supporting documentation is required in order to finalize. Please assemble all required
documents and scan each file to a PDF.
State Medical License(s): All state medical licenses with license numbers and expiration
dates. Diplomates may print to PDF the online verification from the State Medical Board
website or scan any licenses.
Hospital Privilege Letters: List hospital names, addresses and dates of appointments. All
hospitals must be accredited by the Joint Commission or other approved organization
authorized by CMS. Appointment Letters must include the following:
Dated in the current year or current appointment dates included
Signed letter in English on the hospital’s official letterhead
Indication of status: Current, inpatient admitting privileges in plastic surgery are
Confirmation of “plastic surgery” privileges. If letters do not specify “plastic
surgery,” include your delineation of privileges indicating that your privileges
extend to performing plastic surgery procedures
If practice is outside the United States, verification of privileges to practice in a
hospital accredited by the appropriate country is required (must be translated
into English)
Privileges held exclusively at outpatient surgical facilities do not meet the
Advertising Material: Upload a current copy of the home page & bio page of any active
practice website(s). Also include screen shots of social media accounts created for your
practice or other internet advertisements (e.g. Groupon). Upload copies of all print
advertising materials published within the past 12 months.
Examples of print advertisements include, but are not limited to, letterhead,
brochures, telephone book (yellow pages), billboard images (digital proof copy in
a PDF file is acceptable), announcement flyers, and magazine and newspaper
advertising. Scan all advertising material as a group or separately by category and
upload to professional standing form (4 megabyte limit for each PDF file).
Three Peer Evaluations are required: Enter the name, titles and email addresses of
three peers. A secure link will be emailed to your peers to complete an evaluation for
you that will be submitted electronically to the Board Office. Peer Evaluations are due
by the activities deadline of December 1
. The diplomate must check their individual
Tracking Page on the Board’s website to verify that the Peer Evaluations have been
completed. The dashboard page will update automatically as the online forms are
received. Peers must fall into the following categories:
Chief of Staff, Chief of Surgery or Chief of Plastic Surgery*
ABPS certified plastic surgeon
Nursing Supervisor
*At least one evaluation must be completed by the Chief of Surgery, Chief of Staff or
Chief of Plastic Surgery at one hospital where the diplomate practices plastic surgery.
The hospital must be accredited by the Joint Commission or other approved
organization authorized by CMS. Chief positions held only at outpatient surgery centers
are not acceptable.
Outpatient Facility Accreditation: List all outpatient facilities. Letters or certificates
from AAAASF, AAAHC, State Board or Medicare certification are acceptable. It is
expected that all surgery performed under IV sedation or a general anesthetic is
performed in an accredited center.
Certificates are not required for hospital-based surgical centers accredited by the
Joint Commission but the outpatient facilities must be identified on the
professional standing form and the affiliated hospital indicated.
Reciprocity for Continuous Certification credit
The Board will accept Continuous Certification credit for Professionalism and Lifelong Learning
activities if completed through the American Board of Surgery or other relevant ABMS Board.
Valid documentation from the ABMS member board must be submitted verifying completion
to receive credit. Contact the Board Office for assistance.
Confirmation of Participation
Annual Verification of Status
When the Continuous Certification requirements are completed each year, a letter of
verification is available for download on the diplomate’s Tracking Page when logged in to the
Board’s website.
Consequences of incomplete requirements
Continuous Certification Status “Not Current”: The Board will report a diplomate’s
Participation status as “Not Current” to consumers and to ABMS if the diplomate is six
months overdue on one or more Continuous Certification requirement.
250 Category 1 Plastic Surgery CME credits for the 10-year period must be submitted.
Those who do not submit 125 credits in year 6 of the 10-year certification cycle must
document 250 total CME credits by year 9.
All past due fees and requirements, including the Annual Continuous Certification Fee,
must be complete to recertify and begin a new cycle.
Consequences for Diplomates who do not complete all Continuous Certification
requirements by year 10 of the certification cycle
The components of Continuous Certification must be completed in the required time frame as
outlined in the beginning of this booklet. If the components are not completed in the required
time frame, the following will occur:
Certification will expire. All previous incomplete Continuous Certification requirements
must be satisfied in order to renew primary certification.
Expired certification will be reported on the Public Search page on the Board’s website.
Notification to ABMS and removal from database of certified diplomates.
Notification to the Board’s Sponsoring Organizations and major plastic surgery societies.
Technical Support
For technical support, contact Web Data Solutions at 312-944-0642 or
[email protected] (M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm CST)
For other questions, contact the Board Office at 215-587-9322 or
(M-F 8:30am – 5:00pm EST)
Board Policies
Reference Information
2020-2021 OFFICERS
DAVID H. SONG, MD, Chair-Elect
DEBRA J. JOHNSON, MD, Secretary-Treasurer
2020-2021 DIRECTORS
AMY K. ALDERMAN, MD Alpharetta, GA
JACK L. COX, MD Midway, UT
GABRIEL M. KIND, MD San Francisco, CA
KANT Y. LIN, MD Milwaukee, WI
J. PETER RUBIN, MD Pittsburgh, PA
GEORGE A. SAROSI, JR., MD Gainesville, FL
DAVID H. SONG, MD Washington, DC
JAMES E. ZINS, MD Cleveland, OH
Chris Fox, PhD
RRC-PS, Executive Director, ABPS Ex-Officio
Loree K. Kalliainen, MD
2020-2021 Continuous Certification Program Committee
Amy K. Alderman, MD
Keith E. Brandt, MD
Heidi G. Conrad, MBA
Jack L. Cox, MD
James C. Grotting, MD
Debra J. Johnson, Chair
Loree K. Kalliainen, MD
Kant Y. Lin, MD
Joan E. Lipa, MD
Bernard T. Lee, MD
Steven L. Moran, MD
Francis A. Papay, MD
J. Peter Rubin, MD
George A. Sarosi, Jr., MD
David H. Song, MD
Peter J. Taub, MD
James E. Zins, MD
Advisory Council Members
The members listed below were nominated from the American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), the
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the
American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), the
American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS), the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
(ASRM) and the American Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ASCFS).
Comprehensive Plastic Surgery
David W. Chang, MD
Amanda A. Gosman, MD
C. Scott Hultman, MD
Jeffrey E. Janis, MD
Debra J. Johnson, MD (ABPS), Chair
David W. Mathes, MD
Julie E. Park, MD
Liza C.G. Wu, MD
Craniomaxillofacial Surgery
Lisa R. David, MD
John A. Girotto, MD
Russell R. Reid, MD
Mark M. Urata, MD
Jack C. Yu, MD
James E. Zins, MD (ABPS), Chair
Cosmetic Surgery
Heather J. Furnas, MD
James C. Grotting, MD (ABPS), Chair
Karen M. Horton, MD
Nolan Karp, MD
Michele A. Manahan, MD
Daniel C. Mills, II, MD
Lorne K. Rosenfield, MD
Hand Surgery
Jayant P. Agarwal, MD
Gregory M. Buncke, MD
Jeffrey B. Friedrich, MD
Loree K. Kalliainen, MD (ABPS), Chair
Scott N. Oishi, MD
Amorn N. Salyapongse, MD
Anthony A. Smith, MD
Keith E. Brandt, MD, Executive Director,
is an Ex-Offico member of each council.
Board Staff
Melissa A. Karch, MBA, Administrator
Maria K. D’Angelo, Test Development Manager/Examination Editor
Gwen A. Hanuscin, Written Examination and Projects Coordinator
Melissa M. Hill, Oral Examination Coordinator
Stephanie L. Kash, Continuous Certification and HSE Coordinator
Sarah S. Praul, Examination Associate
Sponsoring Organizations of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF)
American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons (ACAPS)
The American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS)
American Association of Pediatric Plastic Surgeons (AAPPS)
American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS)
The American Burn Association (ABA)
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (ACPA)
American College of Surgeons (ACS)
American Society for the Peripheral Nerve (ASPN)
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc. (ASAPS)
The American Society for Craniofacial Surgery (ASCFS)
American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM)
American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS)
American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Inc. (ASPS)
American Surgical Association (ASA)
Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS)
Plastic Surgery Research Council (PSRC)
Plastic Surgery Foundation (PSF)
American Head & Neck Society (AHNS)
Mission Statement
The Mission Statement of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. is to promote safe,
ethical, efficacious plastic surgery to the public by maintaining high standards for the
education, examination, certification and continuous certification of plastic surgeons as
specialists and subspecialists.
The purpose of this Booklet of Information is to describe the Board’s Continuous
Certification Program Activities. This Booklet of Information supersedes all previously
published information of the Board covering requirements, policies and procedures and
may be modified at any time.
The Board approved Continuous Certification for the following reasons:
1. To uphold the mission of the Board to promote safe, ethical, efficacious plastic
surgery to the public by maintaining high standards for examination and
2. To allow diplomates a mechanism to confirm their Lifelong commitment to Learning
and Practice Improvement.
3. To provide diplomates who hold a 10-year time-limited certificate an opportunity to
renew certification.
4. To remain in the mainstream of contemporary medicine and join with the other
Member Boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).
5. Certain State Medical Boards and some organizations will accept Continuous
Certification participation as documentation of compliance with CME and other
requirements. Contact your State Board or privileging hospital to determine what
documentation they will accept.
Who needs Continuous Certification?
Continuous Certification is offered to all diplomates who voluntarily seek evidence of
their continuing qualifications in the specialty of plastic surgery. All 24 member boards
of the American Board of Medical Specialties offer a similar program. The Continuous
Certification Program replaced the Maintenance of Certification Program (MOC-PS)
effective January 1, 2019, and before that, the Recertification in Plastic Surgery in 2007.
1. Diplomates certified in 1995 and after, who hold a 10-year time-limited certificate,
are required to participate in the Continuous Certification Program to renew
2. Directors, Advisory Council Members, Examiners of the Board and ABPS-approved
course instructors are required to participate in Continuous Certification.
3. The Board of Directors of ASPS, PSF, ASAPS, AAPS, and all Program Directors are
strongly encouraged to participate.
4. Diplomates certified in 1994 or earlier who hold a lifetime certificate and who may
desire to show evidence of Lifelong Learning and Practice Improvement in plastic
surgery by participating voluntarily in the program. All diplomates are expected and
encouraged to participate in Continuous Certification.
Board Office Policies and Reminders
Diplomates with incomplete materials will be notified via email.
Change in address, telephone number, email, etc. must be updated on the
Board’s website. Diplomates must log in and click “My Profile.”
Payment is accepted only by credit card VISA, Master Card, or American
Note all Board deadline dates carefully to avoid late fees or exclusion from
Log in to the Board’s website to review your Tracking Page and stay current on all
Board requirements.
Web-based Services
The Board’s web-based services for the Continuous Certification processes include:
Customized Physician Profile with online tracking of Continuous Certification
requirements, status and deadline dates.
Submission of change of address and questions to the Board.
Downloadable reference documents, approval letters, and result letters.
Online submission of registration, peer evaluation, and Continuous Certification
Notification of examination results.
Completion of Continuous Certification activities, including Practice Improvement.
Payment by credit card.
Payment history for Continuous Certification Fee.
Annual verification of status documents, available once the requirements are met
each year.
Consumer Look-up feature “Is Your Plastic Surgeon ABPS Board Certified?” to
verify physician certification and Continuous Certification participation status.
Rules and Regulations
The Board at its sole discretion may change the requirements for the Continuous
Certification Program, issuance of certificates, and notice of requirements as necessary.
All diplomates must comply with the current regulations in effect for the year in the
Continuous Certification Program. It is the responsibility of diplomates to seek
information concerning the current requirements for the Continuous Certification
program through the Board. The Board will make every effort to notify diplomates of
changing requirements, incomplete requirements, or expiration of certified status. To
do this, the Board must have the diplomate’s current contact information. Please log in
to the Board’s website annually to confirm your status and update your contact
information if necessary via your physician profile.
Decisions of the Board
No Officer or Director of the Board is solely empowered to make decisions on the
qualifications of any diplomate. Decisions on certification status are rendered only on
the basis of completed program requirement materials submitted to the Board Office,
the completion of all requirements of the Board as published, and upon successful
completion of the cognitive examination or equivalent Self-Assessment activities.
Request for Special Consideration or Review
Diplomates who do not meet the established requirements and require a Committee
review must send a detailed letter of request or letter of explanation, Credentials
Review Fee (as listed on the Fee Schedule), Curriculum Vitae and recommendation
letters. Deadlines are as follows:
Spring Meeting (deadline for receipt of all material and fees is February 1
Fall Meeting (deadline for receipt of all material and fees is September 1
Inquiries as to Status
The Board does not consider a diplomate’s record to be in the public domain. When an
inquiry is received regarding a diplomate’s status with the Board, a general, but factual,
statement is provided which indicates the diplomate’s status within the Continuous
Certification Program. The Board will provide the date of the original certificate,
whether or not it is still in effect, and whether the plastic surgeon is currently
maintaining certification. ABMS reports only on the current status of certified
diplomates and if they are participating in Continuous Certification.
New certificates are mailed in December of the year of expiration. Certificates issued by
the Board shall be in such form as the Directors determine. Certificates are signed by the
Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Director of the Board.
Certificates shall state that the holder has met the requirements and is certified by the
Board as a medical specialist in plastic surgery and is entitled to be known as a
diplomate of The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. Since 1995, certificates
issued by the Board are dated and will be valid for 10 years but subject to participation
in the Continuous Certification Program. Certificates issued prior to 1995 are valid
indefinitely. Because certificates awarded prior to 1995 were not time-limited when
granted, the Board has no mechanism or right to revoke the certificate if recertification
is not obtained. The Board must adhere to the requirements in effect at the time of
The names of all diplomates will be submitted to the American Board of Medical
Specialties (ABMS) for publication in its directory. Diplomates should notify the Board in
advance if they do not wish to be listed.
Additional certificates are available upon written request to A
fee according to the current Fee Schedule for each certificate ordered must be included
with the request. The diplomate’s name should be listed as it should appear on the
certificate. Only medical degrees (e.g. M.D., D.O., D.M.D., and D.D.S.) verifiable by
documents submitted during the application process and present in the diplomate’s file
can be listed.
Physicians with Special Circumstances
The Board’s policy for Physicians with Special Circumstances is located on the Board’s
website under the “About Us – Policies” links. This policy allows a diplomate to maintain
their certification if they do not meet all of the Continuous Certification requirements
due to current state of practice, academic position held or retirement. Contact the
Board Office at [email protected] or 215-587-9322 for further details. A formal
request from the diplomate outlining his or her current practice situation must be
received in the Board Office for consideration of approval by the Board’s Executive
For those approved and participating in the Continuous Certification Program under the
Physicians with Special Circumstances Policy, a patient safety educational activity must
be completed in lieu of the Practice Improvement activity in years 3 and 6 of the 10-year
cycle. The ABMS has worked with the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) to offer
a patient safety curriculum via a web-based link accessible through the Board’s website.
ASPS and other societies also offer ABPS-approved patient safety educational activities.
Courses are listed on the Board’s website under the Diplomates – CME Resources
section of the home page. Evidence of completion of CME activities will be submitted
electronically. Physicians with Special Circumstances must also complete the
Professional Standing Update in years 3 and 9.
Re-entry to Surgical Practice
The ABPS supports the re-entry of surgeons to active surgical practice after a significant
leave of absence (two or more years) and endorses guidelines for surgeons seeking to
re-establish their clinical careers. The ABPS has developed a policy for Re-entry to
Surgical Practice to assess the skill set of a returning physician and assist with their
assimilation back into clinical practice.
Those diplomates who wish to re-enter practice after a leave of absence of two or more
years should contact the Board Office for assistance.
Continuous Certification Program
Requirements over the 10-year cycle
Each Year:
Self-Assessment* (30 questions in selected module)
Continuous Certification Fee
*Must accrue eight successfully completed assessments in 10-year cycle
In years 3 and 9:
Professional Standing Update which requires the diplomate to:
List medical license, hospital privileges, outpatient facilities,
advertising material and peer evaluations.
In year 9 only, supporting documentation is required as part
of a full audit.
In years 6 and 9:
Upload CME summary report(s) for the current and previous CME
cycles from the ASPS website, or from another CME Provider,
confirming at least 125 CMEs from the last five years.
In years 3 and 6:
Select one Practice Improvement Activity of the following options:
Quality Improvement Publication
Quality Improvement Project
Registry Participation
Tracer Procedure Log (benchmarking, educational activity,
and action plan)
Please Note: Diplomates with certificates expiring in 2021 are required to take the 200-question
Continuous Certification Internet-Based Exam prior to expiration. Registration available on the Board’s
Please contact the Board Office if you have any questions
Fee Schedule
The fees for the Continuous Certification Program are determined by the Board. The
fees are set annually and may be adjusted at the discretion of the Board to cover the
expenses of the Continuous Certification Program. Payment for all online processes
must be submitted by credit card. All fees are non-refundable and must be submitted in
United States currency only. Foreign currencies, including Canadian, are unacceptable.
Annual Continuous Certification Fee $395.00
Late Fee for Continuous Certification
Fee paid after June 15
Missing/Incomplete Items Fee $130.00
Program Committee Review Fee &
Ethics Review Fee
Informal Appeal Fee $800.00
Formal Appeal Fee $1,780.00
Additional Certificate Fee $145.00
As of January 1, 2019 the ABPS Continuous Certification Fee of $395 will encompass all
other processing fees throughout the ten year cycle, resulting in an overall reduction of
The registered trademark logo of the American Board of Plastic Surgery depicts Gaspare Tagliacozzi
(1545-1599) of Bologna, considered to be the father of modern plastic surgery. His contributions are
summarized in the treatise he authored in 1597, "De Curtorum Chirurgia per Insitionem." The
founding year of the Board, 1937, is included on the Logo. The Board’s trademarked logo is not
permitted for use on diplomate or candidate websites.
Member Board of ABMS: The Power of 24