Welcome to the fourth issue of our CPD/CME
Connections Newsletter -- and to the end of the
fiscal year!
Here at the Office for Continuing Professional
Development we're gearing up for summer. That
means long days, short nights, and plenty of heat!
We'll all have to work hard to keep our cool, but we
can do it -- especially if we work together.
In this issue we feature MOC, a spotlight on Walter
K. Clair, MD, and a brand new section called CAMHL
Corner, where you get to find out about the latest
goings-on from the Center for Advanced Mobile
Healthcare Learning.
As we come to the final weeks before submitting our
application for reaccreditation, we would like to
extend our appreciation to all of you.
As always, we welcome your feedback and
suggestions on this newsletter.
by Lori Deitte, MD, & Monique Drago, MA, EdD
"Summer is singing with joy, and the beaches are inviting you with dancing waves." -- Debasish Mridha, MD
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A quarterly newsletter brought to you by the Office for Continuous Professional Development
Now is a wonderful time to check your CloudCME profile to ensure your profile is set up to record MOC II
credit for qualifying events you attend at VUMC. Setting up your account for MOC II credit is fast and easy.
Most of all, it is convenient - we report the MOC II credits to your Board, on your behalf, once a quarter.
For MOC eligible activities a diplomate attends, our office will report MOC to the following Boards:
• American Board of Anesthesiology: ABA MOCA Part II & ABA MOCA Patient Safety
• American Board of Internal Medicine
• American Board of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
• American Board of Pathology
• American Board of Pediatrics
• American Board of Surgery: Surgery Grand Rounds & Surgery MMI effective 7/1/23
Unfortunately, MOC II cannot be reported retroactively. The earlier your account is set up the more MOC II
credits you can earn toward your Board’s Maintenance of Certification or Continuing Certification
If you are already earning MOC II credit, you are all set and there is nothing more for you to do. If you are
not currently Boarded, please do not set up your account until you are fully Boarded with your
participating Board – the credits will not transfer over and will need to be removed from your account.
You can read more about our MOC II program, including participating Boards, through this link.
You can find instructions for setting up your account for MOC II credit by accessing this link.
You can access our CloudCME website and your profile here.
For any questions regarding the MOC program, please email
American Board of Surgery & Continuous Certification Update
If you are a diplomate of the American Board of Surgery (ABS), ABS recently changed
its CME and MOC processes.
Effective July 1, 2023, ABS will retire self-reporting of CME credits by their diplomates.
ABS faculty members should continue to report credit through their ABS portal until
the deadline of June 30th as the VUMC Office for Continuous Professional
Development is unable to report these credits on behalf of any ABS diplomate.
We are pleased to share that beginning July 1st, two conferences will be set up to
award ABS MOC II: Surgical Grand Rounds and Surgery MMI. We anticipate setting up
additional conferences to award ABS MOC II beginning January 1, 2024. In order for
your CloudCME account to record ABS MOC II credit, it is imperative you configure
your account to record these credits as soon as possible. We are not able to
retroactively award MOC II credits and unfortunately, you will not receive ABS MOC II if
your account is not configured correctly.
Please visit our website for information regarding ABS MOC timelines, how to
configure your account so your credit can be properly recorded, and other important
information regarding ABS Continuous Certification meetings at VUMC.
"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." -- Buddha
"When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high,
no trouble is too difficult to overcome." -- Wilma Rudolph
What are five interesting things about you? "I came to Vanderbilt as full-time faculty in 2006 and was
one of the many cardiologists and staff who worked with VUMC leadership to develop the resources,
faculty, and trainees that transformed the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute into the nationally
recognized program that it is today.
After being a Vanderbilt School of Medicine college mentor for twelve years, I will step away from this
position in July 2023. I think that the curriculum that I have helped to teach in the "Learning
Communities" has enhanced my professional identity as much as it has helped the students develop
Before training in cardiology, I got a master’s in public health and worked as an assistant public
health commissioner in South Carolina. Because of this I tend to bring a public health perspective to
my clinical work as a cardiac electrophysiologist.
I have served on several non-profit boards and engaged in a number of community service activities
over the years. All my life I have benefitted from the kindness and assistance of others who saw
potential in me. As a result, mentoring and helping others is very important to me.
The most positive aspects of my current role as Vice Chair for Diversity and Inclusion for the
Department of Medicine have been the support, encouragement, and engagement I have received
from my leadership and fellow faculty. While we have much to do, their courage and commitment
inspires me."
Dr. Clair, how do you manage to do all that you do? "I have
learned over time to delegate as much as possible. However,
while one can delegate tasks one cannot delegate
responsibility. So if the stakes are high or I feel I am uniquely
qualified to handle a task or project, I simply put in the extra
effort to do it myself."
Walter K. Clair, MD, is Professor of Medicine, Cardiovascular
Medicine, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Program
Faculty, and Department of Medicine Vice Chair for Diversity
and Inclusion.
Charlene Dewey, MD, M.Ed., F.A.C.P., has received The Nanney Award, presented to a faculty
member who has served Vanderbilt's education community in a way that honors the legacy of
Lillian Nanney, PhD, who was the founding Director of the Academy for Excellence in Education.
Congrats to Dr. Dewey, who joined the VUSM faculty in 2007 after 14 years at the Baylor College
of Medicine.
Established in November 2006, AEE's founding membership was comprised of 44 distinguished
medical educators. "AEE is a collective of outstanding faculty educators who are highly engaged
in the educational mission and each strives to have a significant impact on our learners in a
variety of settings." Congrats to AEE's 13 new members for 2023.
Academy for Excellence in Education (AEE)
All CME activities are required to have disclosures completed no later than 10-
business days prior to the activity start date.
If we request a presentation to review, it must be uploaded into CloudCME no
later than 5-business days prior to the activity start date.
If changes are requested for the presentation due to a conflict of interest, the
updated presentation must be uploaded no later than 3-business days prior to
the activity start date.
Our goal is to maintain compliance with our regulatory body while ensuring we
make the process efficient and effective for us all. If you would like to review the
disclosure process, the presentation can be found here. Some of the most common
FAQs regarding the disclosure process and timeframes can be found here. For more
information on the disclosure process or to review other helpful how-to articles for
activity directors, CME associates, and learners, please visit our Resources page.
The Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing
Education are designed to ensure that accredited continuing education
serves the needs of patients and the public, is based on valid content, and
is free from commercial influence. CPD implemented a new disclosure
process and timeframes January 2022 which apply to all continuing
education activities:
"If you dance like raindrops, there will always be sunshine." -- Curtis Tyrone Jones
"Like the sun, we are attracted to people with warmth and brightness."
-- Anthony Douglas Williams
Kim V. Garvey, Ph.D., M.L.I.S., M.A., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Anesthesiology and the Director of Operations and Research for the Center of
Advanced Mobile Healthcare Learning at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr.
Garvey has a broad background in large-scale online learning enterprises and
deployments; the conversion, creation and conservation of digital content and
media; knowledge management; and the assessment and utilizations of emerging
educational technologies and pedagogies, specifically those driven by artificial
intelligence, quantum computing, microlearning and spaced learning. Her
research focuses on the intersection between online learning experiences (LDX)
with human learners and organizational data sets.
Welcome to a new addition to our newsletter: CAMHL Corner! CAMHL stands for Center for Advanced
Mobile Healthcare Learning, and their mission is to "create an approach to lifelong learning in
healthcare that is effective, responsive, relevant and easily accessible with the ultimate goal of
improving patient and population health." You can read more about CAMHL on their website - but
first, let's meet the team!
Emily Lagunas, CAPM. Program Manager for CAMHL. My focus is QuizTime
project management. I guide each individual quiz from the initial client
meeting through developing their final report. In 2023 so far we have about
45-50 quizzes in development -- active or closed. I also serve as the front-line
customer service representative, continuing education specialist, and head of
marketing and communications related to QuizTime. Lately, I have been very
interested in weightlifting and physical fitness and have been studying up on
technique and nutrition!
Cherise Look Hong, MA. I’m an Application Analyst working directly with
Canvas, QuizTime, and additional applications for CAHML's departmental, or
client, educational projects. I enjoy exploring the Metro Atlanta area by
hiking the surrounding parks, waterfalls etc.
Joe Clemente, PMP, MBA, MS, CSPO, CSM. Product Manager for CAMHL. I
apply CAMHL leadership's vision, creating and implementing roadmaps and
deliverables. My hobbies include road and mountain biking, attending pro
baseball and football games and an occasional cooking class.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Office for Continuous Professional Development
Continuing Medical Education
2215 Garland Ave, 312 Light Hall
Nashville, TN 37232-0495
(615) 332-4060
We are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
"All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them."
-- Viola Davis
Activity applications are due 120 days in advance of the activity start date for Courses and 90
days in advance of the activity start date for RSS applications.
The CME office is required to be notified of all commercial support requests for CME activities. A
signed Letter of Agreement is required to be submitted to the CME office and be fully executed
prior to the date of the CME activity.
No promotions of an activity can occur prior to approval.
Activity presentations do not need to be submitted unless they are requested by a CME team
All participants in an activity should text in the CME code regardless of CME eligibility -- the code
is also used to record attendance.
Courses must submit a new application every calendar year (120 days in advance).
Course budgets and invoices are due upon request.
If you cancel or postpone your activity for any reason, please alert us right away.
Some friendly reminders from your CME Team:
We are quickly approaching our reaccreditation for ACCME. This process will help ensure
we can continue to offer Continuing Medical Education credits for your activities. During
this time, we ask for your patience and assistance as we may be reaching out to you for
more information about your activity to feature in our report. We appreciate all you do
for continuing education to improve patient healthcare outcomes.
Updates to look out for this summer:
1. Updated disclosure timelines
2. RSS Renewals for 2024
3. Updated Pricing Model